HRC and BC Caught on Video Flying Commercially ~ With no Security In Sight


editor’s note:  hmmmm….why flying commercially?  looks like regular class as well.  for two people who have millions why are they flying like the normies?  as is mentioned ~ assets frozen??

UPDATE:  further digging, i stumbled upon this piece.  husband and wife killed in what is being reported as a natural gas explosion (allegedly had new appliances installed) ~ both found dead.  they were allegedly set to testify against the C’s.  saw something to that by sorcha faal whom i find often to be either disinfo or extreme exaggeration. found this from one of the Anon’s:  

the C’s were said to allegedly be on this plane today ~ the day following.  


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.