I’m really wonderin’……………….


Could be my absolute sense of exhaustion and DONE FINISHED that has over-taken me tonight and today………

or it could be some truth to look at.

Thinking about God.

What god?

The bible god?

Religion was created by evil to serve evil.  That book is “theirs”.

People tonight are telling others who are upset by the cheating to relax – God’s in control – this is God’s plan…..  (so we don’t matter?  what is this – a f’ing 1940’s convent?  blindly serve God and screw how you think/feel?)

Last I checked – God doesn’t vote.

The only thing I’ve seen here that indicates love is PEOPLE doing GOOD for others.  Children laughing and showing immense compassion.  Dogs.  Horses.   Nature.

Love in action.

Remember Jesus?

Whether he was real or not – did he ever show concern for things like laws and governments and politics and rules and money much less what others in “authority” told him to do?


Why are we just allowing something to play out?

Where are the tough questions?

Tonight on another channel – someone asked a VERY GOOD QUESTION:  We were told last september 2021 “not another year here” – but now we’re told things are ahead of schedule.  The two thoughts don’t jive.  This lone person – asking on their own – where are more people like them?  Surely there are more of us…..

Even though I feel I am burning out – I still ask questions.  I’m like Neo – when he said “I don’t like the idea that I am  not in control of my life.”

F’ing DITTO!

And neither should ANY ONE OF US claiming to be awakened/awakening.

But what control do we really have – other than uniting and pulling some Jesus moments?

May be something to consider…………



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “I’m really wonderin’……………….”

  1. Great thought provoking post as always! 👏💕 Wanted to respond specifically to this part:

    Tonight on another channel – someone asked a VERY GOOD QUESTION: We were told last september 2021 “not another year here” – but now we’re told things are ahead of schedule. The two thoughts don’t jive. This lone person – asking on their own – where are more people like them? Surely there are more of us…..

    On the channel in question, YRFT, there WERE more of us asking. SEVERAL MORE. Myself included. Most of us asked our questions politely and with respect, genuinely wanting answers. At first we were mocked, shunned, shamed – then finally muted by the channel owner, so our comments no longer appear at all. The channel owner called me a “spoiled kid” knowing full well my situation, that this year I had lost everything and become homeless and penniless. And further said that I had “accepted a West offer” (the evil side) – which couldn’t be further from the truth. Tell me – is that behavior of heaven? Of LOVE? Or of a cult leader trying to avoid dissent and exposure??

    I joined what I thought was a support group for those who had lost faith in YRFT due to her behavior. It was organized by someone who SAID they intended to make a video exposing that YRFT’s inconsistencies and failed prophecies. I intended to help and spent a good deal of time screen capping her inconsistent or hurtful comments. The group leader flaked out, had lied about taking the video seriously, and turned out to be just as toxic. It caused me a great deal of personal distress. I know this was a targeted psychic attack on me, and I REBUKE IT. 🙅🏻‍♀️ Return to sender!

    I am sharing my story here because you asked where the others were. THIS IS WHERE. SILENCED. And people need to know that if they are following YRFT.

    1. thank you sis. and yes – i know what happened when you and others – myself included – began asking questions – the abuse you all received and rose didn’t do sheot about it. (i experienced it on gab after the “b” incident – just got blocked and unfollowed by several – for as you said asking questions – those who engage in that behavior are living completely from fear and focused only on themselves as a result). i’ve talked about that here – i was referring to the one person in her comment section asking again. keep coming here – if you need help – this is the place to go and it is time i promote that about me and my work. ANYONE in need can share their needs and ask questions. i only censor asshats and evil. lol i hope people here will read your comment.

      1. Thanks, sis. As ever, I appreciate your honesty, integrity and courage! 🙏💕 It takes real strength to call out BS, and I honor your commitment to doing just that. Much respect! 👏👏👏

        I’m sorry some of that bunch blocked you on Gab. There were some who did me before I left Gab, because of my questions and my refusal to meekly bow down to the know-it-all mansplainer, Mr. Blue-face. 🤦🏻‍♀️ IMHO, if they cut you off for asking questions, they’re not worth talking to anyway.

        As far as YouTube, I was muted when it became clear that the usual manipulation tactics wouldn’t work on me. I couldn’t be frightened into submission with threats of “going west” or shamed into compliance with guilt trips like, “did it ever occur to you that it was taking this long because of trying to save people like you.” I’ve known a lot of narcissists so that was not my first rodeo – and they all follow the same damn playbook. **Gaslight the victim. Redirect/shift blame onto victim. Guilt or shame the victim. Threaten the victim. And when all else fails, shun and discredit the victim, so others won’t believe them and see the TRUTH. ** They all do it! Like a hive mind. And once you see the pattern, you can’t un-see it. They’re exposed.

        I’m not calling that group a cult, but if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck… It’s probably a duck. 🦆

  2. YES, good question INDEED!!!!

    “Not another year here” does NOT equal, “now we’re ahead of schedule” — OVER a year later.

    So did we get left behind? Are we on a timeline we didn’t want to be on? What the F is going on!?!?

    Would LOVE answers. Would LOVE the exit. I’m SO done here. And SO DONE with being strung along, false promises, and getting slaughtered for asking questions.

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