i’m trying not to lose my mind………..lol


My beautiful, thoughtful girl sent me some work-at-home sites – one in particular is for writers/bloggers like myself – especially for someone my “age”.  So I took some time to fill out an application.  I spent over 20 minutes coming up with my pitch and was feeling really good about it.  I was actually starting to look forward to writing for them.  This particular site was PERFECT for what I am seeking.

Then I see – they require a paypal account.

I wanted to scream.

I could literally feel the blood rising in my brain.

How the FUCH am I supposed to change my life when I continue to get pushed out by the system because I was WRONGFULLY censored and have had NO RESTITUTION?  When will I have the right to be heard?  When will I be given the right to defend myself?

I was looking through some analysis passed on to me about this awesome website of mine.  Google continues to throttle me.  For example, google claims my load-time is too slow.  I pay top dollar for excellent hosting.  And I have ZERO pop-up ads (for now).  My content and site are so basic – there is no logical/technical reason why my site shouldn’t come up in under 2 seconds.  That is my experience when I type in my url.  It’s instant.  So that tells me it isn’t my site – it. is. google.  And if I am to succeed further with this venture and increase my income with it, wtf are my options in terms of search engines?

While there are some things I can do different to help promote myself and become more visible, when the main search engine is also engaged in censoring you, again, wtf am I supposed to do?

I am being denied the right to earn a living – in the way that works. for. me. and. my. family.  I am so worn out from what this “awakening/war” has done to me.

When in the holy f’ing blinkin’ blinkin’ stinkin’ BLEEP will I be able to earn the kind of living I need and deserve?

One thing I ask for – and am really going to be pushing this one – is for every one of you who comes here – if you are truly supportive of this site – if you really want to see me succeed – if you want to help – then please SHARE my site.  Encourage your friends to visit.  Like and share.  Those two actions are so critical to helping me succeed in the way I want and need.

That’s all I got for tonight.  Gonna take a shower and a breather and intend the Universe brings me what I seek.  I’ve been putting myself out there so much the past 6 weeks or so – something beautiful and miraculous has. to. break. through. for me.

Until next time….



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “i’m trying not to lose my mind………..lol”

  1. Did you inquire at the PERFECT website if they can do an alternate payment system? Or did you just let a stated requirement keep you from applying?

    Try facing the fear of not registering your vehicle to continue to live in the current system, instead spend the money that you would have spent feeding the system, feeding your family. How many times have you been stopped in your lifetime? (pretty good odds you won’t get stopped) I, myself, was stopped 3 times (because I still hadn’t face the fear programming and had a lead foot and was speeding, so I don’t speed anymore.) I also spent a night in jail. And I didn’t respond to the ‘ticket’ once I read that ‘you MIGHT be arrested…if you do not pay’. And the next time I was stopped the officer let me go, he couldn’t find any data on me in the system, and suggested politely that I at least get a driver’s license (which I declined from doing.) But I will not concede from fear of ‘what if’ to continue feeding the beast. It takes a warrior spirit. And an attitude adjustment. Do your best and let ‘god’ do the rest, and if you have that attitude, I don’t think they see you anymore, or at least, when you are faced with a situation, you react and say things that pave the way to getting out of the ‘pickle’ in unexpected ways.

    Just thoughts to consider…..

    1. yes – i already reached out to ask if they would take an alt form of payment. i’ve done that in the past and have yet to find an outlet that was open to it. the other idea – just not up to it. i don’t need to explain the why – if you’ve visited my site for awhile you would understand my current situation. so if that is the case and you are a regular visitor here, i request those who do donate what you can/when you can. this is how i “beat the system” in my own way – by at least being self-employed and in charge of my experience to the best of my ability.

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