Insight into “sitting”


Shared with permission.  I love her insight….and absolutely relate with lacking the desire to engage in most everything – and I too don’t have the need for disclosure.  I am perfectly fine in seeing all of that post-transition/shift.


I’ve been seeing 17 allot lately too. One thing that Q has said more than once is are you ready to stand? At first I took it as standing up for our rights or protesting and I think many followers think that but for some reason I felt it meant something different. I’ve heard when we leave or ascend its called “standing” and what I feel Q means. I’ve also seen Trump tweet allot “We will NOT stand” when he talks about unlawfulness. When I see that I feel like he is saying DO NOT stand right now which fits with saying we shouldn’t be participating in protests and that we will stand when it’s time to stand and those standing now will sit. Basically musical chairs at the very end. I have lost most desire to engage in anything too. It’s been that way for awhile and getting worse. I also wonder if the next lockdown will be to force the rest of us to sit while the dark will also be hoping to get people to stand because they are fed up with the control. One of those double meanings which I believe all of what’s going on has both a light and dark purpose lol. I also dont care about disclosure anymore. I feel we can find out in the archives or as Rose says watching the movie later. I feel like knowing now would cause a plummet not a rise but the hope of it being exposed causes a rise in people so that’s why they dangle the worms and trickle info to keep hope alive in people who think they need it to play out. Plus it helps wake people up to start questioning things and helps them find truth and prepare them mentally for all the crap going on as it really does make it so your not as affected as if you were asleep and afraid.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.