Israel ~ The Elephant in the Room (a dream AND new earth AND synchronicities galore!) plus what did i capture at 1am last night in the night sky???


wow!  just W O W!  at this moment i wish i could channel all of this information i am going to share into your minds.  but we are not quite there yet.

last night i had a dream of being in a foreign, unknown land.  the climate was hot, arrid.  palm trees.  subtropical.  i was outside of this beautiful white, very ancient building with a dome on top.  gold accents surrounded the dome.  it was so ornate.  you could feel how old it all was.

i walk inside and realize i am there visiting two people i know – my former neighbor/friend and her mom.  i adore these two women and have felt our connection goes beyond this realm.

so i am speaking with the mom, trying to get her to see what i was laying out in book form.  so i thought to try her daughter (who is very intuitive, open and well happens to be a big Trump supporter – lol).

suddenly i felt the elephant in the room was making an appearance.  i had no idea where that thought came from but i knew it was time to go before chaos ensued.  so i exit the building and proceed outside where i see even more of these beautiful golden, dome-shaped buildings.  children are running all over the place – and are playing with baby lemurs and baby lion cubs.  my first thought is “OMG where are the parents?  these children could get hurt.”  but i felt no fear.  and the images outside of the buildings were amazing.  the feel was – peaceful.

i then awoke to the sound of something crashing in my living room.

a baby elephant figurine on a shelf had fallen.  !!!!!  here is the picture.

as i went to pick it up, i was sharing the dream i had with my mate.  i had remembered my friend and her mom were in israel taking a holy land tour. he said “the elephant in the room is israel”.

wow.  bingo!  talk about connection!  putting it all together, i dream i am in israel, trying to get my friends mom (who is a HUGE supporter of israel) to listen to what i had to share and she wouldn’t.  then i felt the elephant in the room was coming and i needed to get out before chaos ensues.

then the elephant in my living room comes crashing to the floor (and yes it makes me sad as it is part of a set i picked up at an antique shop in seattle 25 years ago.  i got it because my mom had the exact same set when i was a child and i loved looking at them).

then i think of Q and how they have said “israel is last”.  and with trump and putin meeting this week, a lot is going to come out about israel.  they may not even remain a nation (speculating here ~ some have said the same).

israel can indeed be called “the elephant in the room.”

anyway i get online and see that AT THE TIME of my dream my two friends had just uploaded pictures of their trip to israel.  here is one:

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky and outdoor

close but it still lacks the beauty i was seeing.  the gold and the white.  it had this purity to it.

THEN a little while ago i’m texting with my brother/new earth friend and he says he spoke with clair last night (she is the other dimensional female he began speaking with and then i suddenly started hearing her in the shower – she is part of our Soul group).  this is verbatim what he said she shared:  “she just showed me domes on buildings, looked like gold.”  (in the new earth which is here now – we are merging – explains all of the unbelievable skies and other things showing up that are not of “this realm”.)

i will leave you with a picture i took last night at around 1:30am.  i had been sleeping and my make woke me up.  i am not one to be woken up and do ANYTHING for ANYBODY so i was a little cranky.  but then i felt clair (who i had been trying to speak with prior to falling asleep) nudge me and say “go see it.”  so i go outside.  never seen that object there before.  it was 10 x brighter than venus.  my mate, who goes outside each night at this time prior to bed has not seen this object there.

so i grabbed the camera and as i began taking shots of it, it was like it communicated back with me.  it dimmed.  noticeably.  well ok then.  here is a capture of it.  you will have to zoom in.  my photo editing software sucks or else i would.  anyway as i zoom in i see circles around it – kinda like saturn.


as i show this to my mate later today he said there are people who are reporting ships with rings around them.

ok then.  as my mate says “things sound crazy but sometimes the most crazy thing is the truth.”

and so it is.

here is to our merging and continued synchronicities.

much love,



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “Israel ~ The Elephant in the Room (a dream AND new earth AND synchronicities galore!) plus what did i capture at 1am last night in the night sky???”

  1. Awesome dream! I love the beautiful buildings and landscape of the Middle East– which I like to visualize from a 5D point of view! With an ocean nearby.

    Are you getting any more info recently regarding July 31st?

  2. Whoa….

    And, can I just say…

    Putin met with Netanyahu yesterday…

    This is an incredible share. For some reason this post didn’t come to me via e-mail. I’m glad I found it.

    ‘Elephant in the room’ no more.


    So Mote It

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