Kp Message 7-20-18… “Allowing the Universe to Unfold”


editor’s note:  forgot to post this.  remembered again.  feeeeeeeeeeeeeling this one.


There are a large number of energetic outbreaks going on right now. Individually, collectively, cosmically… At least I hope that’s what I’m sensing right now…

I feel that my life path is at a stopping point, maybe a resting point. There’s been no draw or movement or pull to do “energy work” or anything like that. It’s also like I’m sensing “I need to be moving”, but have no sense about “where”, or “when”, or “how”.

It’s almost like I’m done with this planet. Maybe I’ll be moving to another one.

I honestly don’t feel like moving, though… anywhere. I just want to remain where I am, feed the birds and my chicken, pet Mira, walk with Mira, and stay away from all the humans that are so NOT awake.

So who knows where all this will go. We shall allow the Universe to unfold itself before my eyes.

Aloha, Kp


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Kp Message 7-20-18… “Allowing the Universe to Unfold””

  1. Oh yes….been doing this since winter.
    Out back, under pergola, feeding the hummingbirds, woodpeckers.
    Taking the dog to the river.
    Venturing out to buy necessities and work my pt job (yikes into BotWorld)

    When everyone was talking New Earth, I felt New Planet.

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