Last Night’s Dream and Today’s Reflection


now that i have the time and space to sit down and do some work, but before i get into the political happening’s (which i may not do so much of because it isn’t joyful), i want to share my experience i had last night while i slept.

i was in this room.  there were a variety of tech-looking gadgets.  computer screen’s.  i looked in the middle of the room and i saw myself, lying on a table.  of interest – there was no one else in the room that i could see or sense.  i was either sleeping or unconscious.  i’m not sure.  i wanted to know just what the hell i was seeing and what was going on so i hopped into the body i viewed as “mine”.  as i did i began to feel all of these amazing frequency waves going through the body i was inhabiting – almost like sound waves.  i could then see them as ripples of energy – fluid-like but not at all fluid as in actual liquid.  this was pure energy.  there was no place in my body i could not feel these energies.  i was beginning to really enjoy the experience – feeling energies of liberation and healing, bliss and a childlike joy – then the experience ended.

was this a benevolent experience?  i don’t know.  i just don’t know.  i can go by how i feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel but given every fucking thing from our thoughts to our feelings to even our alleged “knowing’s” can be manipulated – up and until the deception energy – the POWER OVER behavior – is completely removed.  and how i feeeeeel was i receiving some new frequencies which may explain my ravenous thirst today and the thought “drink your water.  you need it to integrate.”  i also felt quite strong today – especially in the first part of the day.  less physically strong and more energy-based strength.

so sounds like a positive, right?

like everything in this land of deception and confusion, we’re doing nothing but guessing.  we KNOW the Truth when we can experience the result with our ENTIRE BEING.  and yet there is still programming running which tells us we and we alone are responsible for our lives.  no one else.  the lying and deception and poisoning of the controller’s of this realm on us bear no responsibility.  we’ll just put that elephant over here because it’s just too messy to look at it.

so until i have my FULL FREEDOM to explore and KNOW and SEE, all i can offer here is my own experiences and my feelings on them.

but i know one thing – i would never think to tell any of you that YOU are the only Being fully responsible for your life.

oh well – at least what these experiences are allowing for me is to see how deep and vast the programming is and how i still carry some of it.  but i do know this – those programs are quite quickly and easily falling away from me energetically.  if something doesn’t vibe with me, i quickly push it aside – energetically – from my core.  while i can still feel their ugly little “tassels” of energy cords still attempting to reinsert themselves back into me, i dismiss them. they’re just like pieces of paper that blow into my yard, unwelcomed.

i take them, crumple them up and put them in the trash.

something i am quite ready to see happen to EVERY experience of power-over.

that is all for now.

much love,



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.