Last Night’s Dream ~ JFK Jr and Carolyn ~ And dealing w/the system


Had another one of those “did not ask for” dream experiences.  I arrive in the Hampton’s or someplace similar (some place exclusive in the North Eastern Seaboard ~ been there a few times to know where I was).  I see this beautiful home up on a grassy hill.  Few other homes around.

I go inside.  Next thing I know I am in the bedroom – huge room – round – with floor to ceiling windows looking out at the coastline.  I see JFK Jr and his wife, Carolyn, lying in the bed together, both of them each wrapped up in off-white linen sheets.  They are both very young – 30’s – so I know I have gone into the past.  I feel ok being there so I stay.

I then walk over to them.  I hear JFK Jr telling her “it’s ok.  We have to do this.  I need you to trust me completely.”  He was very focused on her trusting him – there was a huge energy with that.  She looked hesitant ~ a bit afraid ~ but I also felt she had agreed to do this, knew it was the right thing but was now having doubts as she was pregnant.  The connection between them was powerful – purposeful.  He then patted her hip lovingly and smiled while saying “and besides, I also have this beautiful bambino to protect”.   She smiled.

For some reason, I then touched his hair.  He was ok with it.  It was thick and very coarse.  Probably my own need to verify the texture of his hair given the images we have been seeing.

I then looked around the room one last time, sent an energy of thanks and well being then left.

And there you have it.  I know I have been posting a lot on JFK Jr ~ I feel it is highly relevant.  Proof is in the pictures and while I am not convinced yet the pictures we are seeing of him ARE him ~ that is indeed Carolyn.  I also awoke yesterday morning, recalling the video The Plan to Save the World.  The narrator sounds exactly like JFK Jr.  I thought back to the video and how many times the video showed an old speech of his.  Why would they show that speech unless he was somehow connected to this movement?

Until I see otherwise, I strongly feel he is alive as are his wife and wife’s sister.  It was all a psyop – against the d.s.  I also found a video of Trump – put out a few months after JFK’s jr’s alleged death.  It was with Dan Rather.  Trump spoke of his desire to run for President and said he would make the announcement the following February.  Watching it you knew it wasn’t the time – but he was putting out some clues, feeling it out.  What was comical was listening to “experts” in the video saying he was just all ego-talk, no way would he ever run for president much less win.

Aside from that, it has been a quiet day.  Unless you count the car insurance that jumped up again.  State Farm.  I left AFI after State Farm said my rates would gradually decrease over time.  That has not happened.  They have gone up every year, always under the system mantra of “corporate policy”.  Today I said they could fuck their corporate policy.  Lower my rate or I was going elsewhere.  I haven’t cost them a damn dime.  And besides, I am overly done with some corporate overlord telling me I HAVE to have insurance if I wish to drive.  Really?  In what reality?  Not mine.

Turns out I had been eligible for a much lower car rate but they cannot credit me back.  State Law.  I said I was a Free Being and was done playing the corporate game, done being told I hadh to follow their laws when it does not align with Higher Law and Who I am.

Now we have to have a conversation on how we are going to handle the electric bill next month.  They are charging me an additional $175 for refusing to take one of their toxic smart meters.  All along I said I do not consent to those fees and I stand firm.  Just more system bullshit intruding into my life when I DO NOT CONSENT nor ask for it.

It cannot crash soon enough for me.  And that is not one of those statements put out by bot Bill Maher who wants Trump’s economy to crash to destroy him.  I seek to see the end of the controllers and their criminal “laws” that have robbed US of our freedoms.  PERIOD.

Deep sighs….



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “Last Night’s Dream ~ JFK Jr and Carolyn ~ And dealing w/the system”

  1. Beautiful, timely, perfect.

    It is a violation of karmic and galactic law to manipulate the energy of money.

    That’s what the evil wizards did.

    Money is not evil, nor is it the root of all evil, they are.

    Proponents of evil see that their evil deeds are revealed

    Criminals are responsible for the crime

    They stole the very essence of life, through their manipulation of the energy of money

    It is Time

    The robbers are detained

    So Mote It

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