Late evening reflection



Lisa Harrison shared an excellent livestream/share on her telegram page.  You can listen to it here.  

It includes about 20 minutes of her shares/intuits/feeeeels and the remaining 25 minutes or so are her viewer comments.  It’s really quite insightful and had me pondering on some things I’ve been reflecting on.

She sees something big and shocking happening in the next week – something that impacts every heart-centered being.  I have sensed something like a “well that puts us all on a new road with this plan/awakening process” between the 13th and 20th/22nd.  Like something happens that puts us all forward – puts us ALL at perhaps even the same place/space – gets all of our attention – and then it is only reveal after reveal after reveal, etc.   She feels it will be something that shocks us all at the heart level – I think we’ve had enough trauma – although something has to transpire that gets everyone’s attention.  On the other side of this event (which is short lived she feels – happens quickly) – is something really good.

She sees this whole narrative over by end of March.  I agree – if it doesn’t happen earlier.

Anyway – it’s a very interesting dialogue.  People were sharing their experiences about the 3 waves incoming.  I’ve had a few of those dreams that, I believe, began in 2017/2018.  The first one was the most profound.  I was inside of a hotel with my girl and mate.  This big tidal wave came ashore, knocking people around – the wave picking them up.  There was some confusion.  My mate and especially my girl wanted to go play in the waves and I said “No – just stay here and observe.”  I had no fear.  Anyway three waves came in and with the last one most of the people were just riding the wave instead of resisting it.

I wondered – if it is Source Code that comes into this realm in full – knocking out the matrix code.  We see “them” and where we are – and perhaps the “twist” Lisa sees is us having this experience – and as we see the All – we also see “them” sinking with the ship.  I put this together based on things I have seen – those little pieces of intel that “stay” with me.

Another thought I’ve had – Faucci being the first “public” arrest – which ends the entire cv sham and all those who fell for it (the masks, the jabs, the lockdowns, etc.) are going to be realllllllllllly quite upset.  Talk about a starting point for unity…………

We’ll see………….

Also interesting was the commentary in her video – people seeing the matrix truly collapsing at a crazy rate.  Rose shared the same intel earlier today.



We appear to be very close. They’re making the last people(commoners in the public) sit now, who worked up to the last minute. The stereo cams were pulled on 7th..rather rolled back to 7th and pulled. The back pages are showing a bit, but not much. It shows that the second vah at venus, has now moved forward through the wall on h2.  not to be confused with the Venus at the sun, on cor2 images. Best guess is that some of the people were removed to second vah and do not go through that gate now, but through the wall and ‘in’. We now know that “In” means you’re pulled out of the simulation and into the VR room/hospital.
System AI (the last one “Henry”) is running through all the hit skits he has left, they’re in the buffer purging. Don’t ask how many are left, its apparently like asking ‘when’. System has become more unstable and is talking nonsense to itself using ‘apps’ it created to talk back to it. Insane stuff! They have also removed another hard drive and mother board (seen in the cor2 blowouts) which is aiding the removal and shut down of the matrix system.
Thanks to all of you for the food. I don’t know what we would have done without you this last few years. Its very much appreciated. aml
There is one thing that is nagging at me – a lot:  The notion that “home” or “source” is doing something different THIS TIME………..those two words – “this time” tells me this type of experience has happened before (POW’s inside of a matrix simulation and getting out”…………i had thought “this” had never happened before and is never going to happen again.  I wonder – if we have had to try to get out of this place more than once………….That is possible………

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Late evening reflection”

  1. WOW! I don’t profess to understand everything she said, but what I do know is that I’ve had these feelings of elation throughout the day, yesterday. Also, I had a dream that my heart chakra was healed. and sooo much love came through! I sat up in a bed in the dream and told the person who was writing notes on a clipboard, and had somehow worked on me, that the “fear” was gone, and then I woke up with this feeling of elation. I found a beautiful Rosequartz at a department store, on the same day, that gave out so much positive energy, that I had to buy it. I really lifted my frequency!
    Let’s hope that we get out of this false projection quickly, easily and in peace!

    1. oh wow! that is amazing Sister! you know – i had to work through what felt like the core or one of the cores of my own fear program…….in recent days…….and this time i made a breakthrough i had not been able to achieve – ever. something is changing…..thank you so much for sharing your experience (i LOVE rosequartz too!).

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