late evening reflection………….



“they” are absolutely messing w/the time machine today.  slowing it down.  perhaps to do their full moon spells?  ugh i hate that dayem eyeball in the sky – no matter how bright and illuminating it appears.

so the time fookery:  all. day.

i have looked at the clock and said “it’s only 5pm?  it feels like it should be 8.”  woke up and felt like i had been doing/going for hours.  what?  i’ve only been up for 2 hours?  nah can’t be is the clock off?  nope.

tonight?  i looked at the clock and said – it’s only 8?  it feels like midnight.  daughter noticed it.  spouse too.

anyone else?

i feeeeeeeeeeel it in my 3rd eye – right smack in the center of my forehead.  a battle is playing out there.

mind trips everywhere.  discernment.  verify then trust.  including this latest twatter account:

anons on it trying to figure it out.


interesting this post:


reminded me of this one:




non-verified.  came online today.  pic of his hosts dog he shared the day or two before his “departure”.

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just passing the time………….on this late evening………….and considering time is in slow mode – i got more of it to have some fun with, right?  😜🙄😂

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “late evening reflection………….”

  1. Yes, I noticed the time slowing down, as well! Also very weird feelings over the past 3 days, that I can’t explain in words. I heard timelinelines are merging and then bifurcating. Experiencing reality shifts. New stuff shows up that wasn’t there before, all of a sudden, in my environment.

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