Late evening reflections


so i headed to the shower for what i intended would be a much needed break from the drama of today (more extended family related stuff) but once that hot water hit, all of this stuff began flowing through me.  so i thought i would share.

i saw an ocean and waves.  for decades i have used the ocean as a metaphor for Source.  each of us being the wave that makes up the ocean that is Source.  i got the feeling that Source really is about Creation – always expanding – always creating and that must include doing so Freeeeeeeeeely.

much like that wave – always moving – ebbing and flowing.  moving moving moving.  when we – our essence – leaves whatever physical experience/physical body in which we inhabit – it returns to the ocean if it chooses – returns to Source – for a rest.  it’s much easier to be in movement as a wave, ebbing and flowing, w/an entire fleet of other waves.  being in that kind of movement in a separate physical body can be tiring.

i also felt into freedom and creation.  i see what is happening here in this realm.  i see the anger and FED UP/DONE energies.  see it and feel it.  we all can.  the collective US – the Source in every one of us – is DONE with ANY sort of oppression repression deceptionand compression.  by its very nature, as I said, Source seeks to ALWAYS CREATE.  ALWAYS EXPAND.  (except perhaps when it chooses to just BE in a state of resting – but even then – by nature will automatically resist ANY attempts to control/power over/remove that experience).

by the very nature of Source expansion and creation, that energy, in “time”, will literally destroy ANY opposing energetic experience to stop that natural tendency to create and expand.  destroy.  consume.  whatever label or however one wishes to describe the ending of such an experience of restriction – that creation of power over/restriction in and of itself is destined to fail.

and that is what we are experiencing today.  this isn’t just about government’s or institutions.  this is at the very Core – the Source in every one of us saying “I WILL BE FREE AGAIN NOW”.  as MLK so beautifully said:  “Free at last.  Free at last.  Thank God Almighty we are Free at last.”

For me it has been Freedom or bust for as long as I can feeeeeeeeeeeel.  And I am not planning on doing the “bust” thing.  So Freedom It Is.  For that is WHO I AM and who every one of you are.

One last thing that has been weighing on me – the idea of another mind wipe after so many “years” as yellow rose has said.  That’s just how it is, she has said.

To that I would say that is contrary to what Source Energy is.  Any being or energy or system or whatever who says “you will now lose memory of this” is NOT SOURCE.  It is another power structure that may have Source within but is NOT acting on Pure Source Energy.  Freedom Asks.  It doesn’t take.  It doesn’t violate boundaries or choice.  IT ASKS.  And if I am not being asked whether I want/desire/need this or that, then I ain’t taking it.

I ain’t aligning with it.

And I ain’t giving it my power.

Power to the people.  The individual.  Every one of us.  Sweet love doggone it, I am SO READY to see every one of us have that fully returned.

So.  Ready.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Late evening reflections”

  1. There is one more thing you forgot to add, and that is experience. Source experiencing itself in all nuances. It is through all beings in the universe, that Source experiences itself and its capabilities. Nothing is separate from Source. This is only Source. There is a bifurcation taking place. wheat from shaff”. The “cream” rises to the top. Everything is frequency specific. All going to their specific frequency. This is neither positive nor negative. It just is! Like attracts like, and all is experienced by Source, for Source. That is why, ascension is an “inside job”. Love is the beacon on the inside, that will place you into your home bubble. It’s like a magnet. Where attention goes, energy flows. As long as attention is placed with feeling, on what’s happening on the outside, in the “theater of life”, the universe will provide more of ‘that’ projection, because it thinks that that is what you desire. If you want to experience something else, change the reel. Be, what you want to experience! The truth is we are already ‘ascended’; we are just catching up with ourselves. We’ve pretended to be separate from Source, which is impossible, since Source is everything. We are all Source, “fractalized”, but each fractal at its core is Source. Therefore, we are the creator having fun with itself! Thus the adage, “remember who you ‘are'”. It basically all comes down to frequency and vibration.

    1. well considering i have been focused on Home for over 20 years (as have many of us) we “should” have already ascended to that space. it is more than just an inside experience – it is inside and outside because we were compressed and placed inside this frequency space – which is very “low” vibe – and which is why it has felt off for many of us throughout our experience.

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