Late Night Schumann Read ~ !!!


wowser!  it’s been a long time since i’ve seen a read like this one.  where is the energy coming from?  and why now?  (gotta start asking myself these questions instead of just blindly following anything i see.)  8 hours and going.  given what i have been feeling and what i am seeing from and reading from others – i am sensing a feeling of sadness mixed with an overall absolute sense of being DONE and intense need to punch through a wall into the experience we desire.  the vision i have – removing layers of experiences/feels no longer wanted or needed.  and in the midst of this i sense a very strong poking – a push (by them) to display and focus on an agenda (THEIR agenda) that many of us have felt is NOT going to manifest – but is still being attempted at by the “others”.  said agenda – not gonna happen.

and in a moment of something – synchro perhaps – on television i just heard “not gonna go there!”  indeed.  going to continue to focus on and feed the experience I DESIRE.  if THEY can create THEIR own experiences, SO CAN WE!

i see the power we have.  i have seen myself in action.  i have been able to control the program (algorithms) on both the television and the radio.  i have also been able to create the kind of traffic situation i wanted – numerous times.  it takes great focus and concentration and coming from absolute Truth.  but with practice i can only improve.  THIS is the ability each of us have.  let’s not get lost in apathy (speaking number one to myself here).  let’s get found in our INNER ROAR.  Inner Truth.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.