Laura Whitworth ~ THE SHIFT


Thank you to Sister Pat for letting me know about this one.  I hadn’t listened to Laura for a few months.  This one is absolutely perfect – was very much needed by me – and fully aligns with what I feel in my heart:  The energies are increasing and what we are in now cannot sustain itself for much longer – oh gosh that feeling is just so powerful now isn’t it.  I love and appreciate her advice – as Lisa says over and over -stay in the heart.  I also appreciate how she says that even if all do not transition in the same way (those who are still not ready/awake) they get that chance at some point in their journey – we all “go” – transition – to whatever Home/experience that aligns with Who We Are.  That is my hope for every one.  And….the election here in the states is the catalyst for the event.  I can definitely see into that.  I also appreciate her insight on being in control of our responses – knowing our triggers – because some of us (me lol) are quite intense and can get quite triggered.  I know when it happens – and I know when I let myself get into that space and I know how to get out.  We all do.  It is tough as she said.  Be in Love. Stay out of the crazy.  And HAVE FUN!  Love, V.


Laura Whitworth
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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.