LAW Johnston- man of changes says – BE Ready Q Military Intelligence OP Phase 5 of 5 TAKE DOWN


editor victoria’s comment ~ i align w/what he says (new youtube channel, btw) – other than the portion that shows the message alleged to have originated from senior military officials.  anyone in the military would not be allowed to share such a message let alone an officer or anyone of that caliber.  however since disinfo is necessary this could be another part of the plan to get the concept into the mind of the public.  i appreciate what he says about retailers having plenty of food/supplies and utilities being safe during this time.  i have felt the same and team Q has said the same as well.  and considering the tariff’s Trump implemented, in anticipation of them, major retailers stocked up big time this past year.  that is the level of Genius in Trump.  gratitude.


Published on Dec 25, 2018

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.