Lightfield Foundation ~ Healing in the Now and into the Future


Editor’s note:  I am SO happy to share this information with you all.  I want to see such operations in every city and town globally.  Reading through their site, they operate the way Healing SHOULD be operated (well ALL living that is).  They charge a very nominal fee per session (as in 2/3 LESS the cost of a visit to a traditional western doctor) and still if you cannot pay that, you are encouraged to still speak with them and make the appointment.  Healing for all because our good health (and indeed the return of it) is OUR RIGHT.


About Lightfield Foundation

Lightfield Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit that has been serving the public with consciousness-raising and de-stressing technology since 2009. It is our mission to empower humanity by assisting people in connecting with their higher levels of consciousness using Lightfield™ technology, as well as educating the public about the relationships between consciousness, energy, matter, and the structure of the Universe. Lightfield™ technology uses information fields and sacred geometries to project a harmonious field into a space in which a client reclines for an approximately 30 minute session. The client emerges feeling a sense of revitalization and greater well-being and often reports feeling a greater connection with their higher levels of awareness.

Lightfield Technology™

Background and History

In the early 1990s, Russian scientists became convinced of the existence and properties of an additional class of a non-physical field in physics beyond the gravitational, electric, magnetic and strong and weak nuclear attraction fields. Historically, all of these latter were recognized by the mainstream scientific community as capable of creating surrounding influence. The newly recognized field type is, in essence, comprised purely of information or ideas. We have, therefore, come to refer to such fields as “information fields.”


The Russians recognized that the biofields that surroround every life form (auras are an example) are themselves purely information fields, continuously generated by the consciousness of the individual. They developed technology known as GDV bioelectrography for imaging such bio fields. They indirectly used a computerized variant of the phenomenon known as Kirlian photography (originally discovered by a Russian husband and wife scientific team for which it was named.)

Russian scientists did some of the seminal work understanding information fields and their character, and developed a technology capable of stripping the information content from an electromagnetic signal input and projecting a field compromised solely of the information extracted. This principal is utilized in the Lightfield unit, wherein information is stripped from music and light inputs and projected into the unit, creating a field of harmonious information.

Non-Physical Characteristics

As in the case with the human biofield, the Lightfield information fields have a non-physical character. Neither audible sound nor visible light are present. Rather, the ideas that comprise their spiritual essence are present. The information field projected into the Lightfield and complementary Grace unit has a property of coherence. When an individual is placed within a coherent information field, he or she begins to reconnect with his or her higher awareness and begins to jettison stress accumulated during the process of living. Coherent information fields are also produced in other venues by activities such as group prayer or intentions and meditation, as well as by the presence of certain physical geometries described since ancient times as “sacred geometries.”

Check out their website here fmi.  And please spread the love by sharing!


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.