Linea ~ The event 2018. The red pill’s final stages.


editor victoria’s note:  i love this one!  another spiritually incorrect sharing. completely align with this one.  as i told her – every day i want to know HOW to end this game and WHEN to go home.  every.  single.  day.


Published on Oct 30, 2018

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “Linea ~ The event 2018. The red pill’s final stages.”

  1. I certainly resonated with the segment where she spoke about not being able to go back…

    Once you take the red pill – wake up – there is no going back… you cannot unsee the reality going on around you…

    In a way, it is a loss of innocence feeling, wishing sometimes you did not see it… the dark motives, the dots leading to events in the future.

    When talking to the unwoken, it feels how Cassandra must have felt – fortelling the future that noone believes, then, when it comes to pass, noone remembers the prediction! Very frustrating…

    Frustration with the Event process seems to be growing. We are apparently so close… but it might as well be a million years into the future.

    So want to believe we are on the verge of a new existence, one where connection and justice take precedence over division and corruption…

      1. No regrets, no – but sadness, and hurt.

        It is hard when friends of many years start spouting the globalist narrative.

        Honestly, it’s as if they are being ‘activated’, the final army of mouths being mustered for the ‘big push’.

        My husband and I seem to have become friends with quite a few folk, who I would put into the ‘blue’ category (4 Lenses Psychological Test Green, Gold, Blue, Orange). He and I are Gold/Green (me), Green/Gold (him)…

        There must be something about us, that Blues find reassuring, and something Blues have that attract us – matched intellect, humor – maybe.

        But the globalist agenda is overlaying and suppressing everything and the programming is so strong, they do not seem to be able to step away, nor listen when long time friends speak up.

        Hasten the change, before the hate overwhelms us all, and we are forced to fight, with more than words.

        1. the programming is so deep, yes. i live in a highly “blue” area as well (also highly academic/intellectual) and last night i heard a woman say horrible things about kavanaugh – although that wasn’t what disturbed me. it was how upset she is about his installation. here we were at a small gathering – and she launches into the narrative. these people simply assume all agree w/them – for it you don’t – the look alone is one of absolute cognitive dissonance. long time friends are vicious in their expressions and words of their version of happenings. we need this damn shift and we need it NOW.

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