Lisa Harrison ~ Deconstructing The Construct Ep 36 – 7 March 2018


Deconstructing The Construct Ep 36 – 7 March 2018

Published on Mar 6, 2018

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

7 thoughts on “Lisa Harrison ~ Deconstructing The Construct Ep 36 – 7 March 2018”

  1. It’s interesting to look at my experience of this video. I enjoyed her last message, but this one felt anxiety ridden. I’m not sure if it was the presence of the cigarette or not, but that was one clue that tuned me in to the fact that she was not coming from a balanced, grounded, centered place. When she lit her cigarette as she brought someone else on I turned it off. Cigarettes psychologically trigger the fight or flight response part of the nervous system, though they may seem to the smoker it relaxes them. I chose not to watch this message any further because the element of fear and anxiety was palpable to me. I’m grateful for the part I listened to and the practice it gives me for not taking it in. For me it is becoming ever more clear that Now is the time to trust and ask my heart each and every time I consider a message, “Where is this coming from, and does it resonate with my body in a way that feels safe to my heart, and soul?”

    Before today I might have let my mind over rule the fact that my body was uncomfortable, and that something did not feel congruent.

    I’m ever more committed to focusing on the highest outcome and not muddying up the field with conjecture.

    Team light victorious!!!

    This is what we came for!

    1. yes ~ she does chain smoke in her videos ~ as does dani mckinney arnold ~ and their energies feel harsh to me. i began to feel anxiety and doubt myself ~ i tuned in after the fact. the video actually does get better when her guests speak – esp. the man who comes on and shares amazing images. i trust in what my higher self has shown me consistently for years. this IS what we came here for indeed. i fully know that.

  2. Ladies! Ditto on this response by me to this video…discombobulated.
    I found it difficult to listen to.
    Many fractures going on.

  3. I’ve watched her videos for years and with the ramp up of the energies coming in now, a lot of us do have nervous anxiety. I don’t smoke, but maybe they think it helps them to relax and boy do we need all the help we can get! I drink chamomile tea and sometimes that doesn’t seem like enough. Also, I think with all the information coming in to share, it makes it both exciting and nerve wrenching to get it out there. Weird stuff is happening and I think a lot of us are experiencing the nervousness these days. It’s a personal choice whether one wants to listen or not, but I enjoy her wisdom, experiences and sharing of her perspective the same as I do Victoria’s or anyone else that I read or listen to.


  4. Blesssings back to you, Brenda. I am so sensitive right now. I probably shouldn’t have said anything publicly, I was just stunned by my physical response. We are all going through this together, and I appreciate her wisdom as well, truth be told I don’t watch very many videos, I prefer to read, because I am so sensitive to energy, and you are spot on in your take on it all.

    Goddess Bless!!!

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