Lookie What I Captured (Again!!)….


so it’s midnight ~ my mate is outside sky-gazing and comes inside and says “there’s a strange glow to the southwest”.  i checked the moon position ~ it’s just rising now in the east so that wasn’t causing the glow.  there are no city lights in that directions ~ it’s all woods/mountains with very few houses.  so i grab my camera and attempt to capture it on film.  while i did not succeed at that, check out what i DID capture.  others including steve olson WSO have been talking about a green planet with a black hole in the center (according to what my mate tells me).  well here you go.  also of interest is that it is in the same location as that strange oblong green object i captured this week during the day.  anyway….check it out and tell me what you think!

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.