Editor Victoria’s comment~  This is a really good piece.  I definitely align with his views of his own choices and how he feels being an awakened/awakening Being in this world of illusion and trickery ~ as do many if not most or all of you do as well.  I too at times have thought “what if I had just ignored my questions and need for answers.  What if I had just had a “normal” life – sucked it up – pretended everything was ok.”  Of course that would have been impossible for me.  So as the author says – it can be a lonely life of isolation.  This has to transition very soon.  I can feel, energetically, things are about ready to break.  If it’s a divide, so be it.  I want Unity but I also want Freedom more than anything else and Freedom does not guarantee we are all United – but simply free to Live Create and Be as WE choose without anyone powering-over us.  

Along those lines, I wanted to briefly share a dream I had last night.  Some invisible entity (likely program) was trying to tell me I had to reincarnate here again.  No, I said simply.  I am done following that program.  That game.  It kept saying I had to reincarnate (it was as though it was on an automatic recording – could have just been a programmed voice for all I know – would not surprise me).  I kept reaffirming my position until the voice stopped speaking and I left the dream-time experience by standing up and walking away.


And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it’s a very very
Mad world, mad world

Image result for the primal scream

The haunting Gary Jules version of the Tears for Fears’ Mad World speaks to me in these tumultuous mad times. It must speak to many others, as the music video has been viewed over 132 million times. The melancholy video is shot from the top of an urban school building in a decaying decrepit bleak neighborhood with school children creating various figures on the concrete pavement below. The camera pans slowly to Gary Jules singing on the rooftop and captures the concrete jungle of non-descript architecture, identical office towers, gray cookie cutter apartment complexes, and a world devoid of joy and vibrancy.

The song was influenced by Arthur Janov’s theories in his book The Primal Scream. The chorus above about his “dreams of dying were the best he ever had” is representative of letting go of this mad world and being free of the monotony and release from the insanity of this world. Our ego fools us into thinking the madness of this world is actually normal. Day after day we live lives of quiet desperation. Despite all evidence our world is spinning out of control and the madness of the crowds is visible in financial markets, housing markets, politics, social justice, and social media, the level of normalcy bias among the populace has reached astounding levels, as we desperately try to convince ourselves everything will be alright. But it won’t.

The opiate of the masses is not just religion, but the propaganda, misinformation, lies and technological distractions designed by the invisible government ruling class to provide the masses with pleasant illusions about their country, society, and material situation. If the masses were to wake up and realize they are being manipulated, oppressed, and corralled like sheep, revolution would sweep the land. People are being driven mad by an overwhelming feeling of cognitive dissonance.

The mental masturbation required by a vast swath of the population who see the evidence of decline, created by excessive use of debt and systematic corruption of government, finance, and the media, has created a society of mentally stressed zombies. They know things aren’t right, but to admit the truth would shatter their delusions and require them to act. It’s easier to self-medicate with drugs, alcohol and losing themselves in their technological fantasy world of social media. They would rather believe comforting lies than deal with uncomfortable truth. They go along with the lies because to do otherwise would produce tremendous mental discomfort.

Continue reading here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.