Massive cyber-attacks underway today – worldwide


Warfare is full-on at every front… i shared earlier – i felt it energetically today and it was intense….no other word for it… i stand FIRM and FULL in Who I Am (when I was not crying)….

There was worldwide cyber attacks today….I received numerous warnings of others trying to hack in to the site.  The number of warnings has increased in the last couple of weeks but today the number jump was noticeable.

Here’s a website showing the (live) worldwide attacks going on:

There was also massive/nationwide (here in the states) cell phone outages today:

Thousands Of T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, AT&T Customers Experience Cellphone Outages Nationwide

“Monday’s mass outage has been linked to an unsubstantiated ‘Distributed Denial-of-Service,’ cyberattack (DDoS) on the United States.”

Then there is this (below).  I found it on Twitter.  I am not sharing to induce fear as I don’t “see” this happening.  However, I also don’t keep my head buried in the sand while I chant “trust the plan” blindly.  As I say – I QUESTION the plan so I can further hone my Truth radar by increasing my knowledge.  Veronica at Higher Realm Holistics (youtube) has been having a vision of Seattle/Washington state – and saw these attacks coming in recent weeks.  However it is possible that was part of their agenda that will not be allowed to manifest.  Possible.  Probable.  But I am still keeping my eyes open and felt it was better to share than not to share.  Some of my visions of the past (as in almost 20 years ago) that included earthquake and volcanic destruction and people fleeing as well as China/Russia invasion along the west coast – part of THEIR agenda that didn’t manifest.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.