MASSIVE “earthquake” Activity off the Coast of Oregon


So I saw this last night – around midnight – on a news station out of Portland.  I had checked in to see the weather forecast and saw a swarm of “earthquake” activity.  It has since updated and removed the part about the last 5 years have seen 49 earthquakes in the area.  As of this moment?  There have been 58.  When I saw this, I had a hunch the number was going to go over 100.  I knew that something was up and it wasn’t nature-created.

And if that isn’t enough, about an hour prior to reading the above, my mate started saying “I feel funny!  It feels like the ground is moving.  Do you feel that??!!”  It went on for several minutes too.  I was sitting down here at the computer and didn’t feel anything.  He was standing in the other half of the house.  Below is the Heliplots for our area:

MrMBB333 covered it earlier today.  Every single one is at 10km.  We know what that means.  Nature doesn’t behave that way as we know.

Remember Monkey and others showing those fleets of aircraft headed west?  We know where they went.  Removing the horror show creations.

More later.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.