Measles, Masterminds & Millions


editor victoria’s comment ~ another awesome piece by Corey Lynn….thank you sister d for passing this one along….


May 4, 2019

The Clintons masterminded the mandatory free Vaccines for Children program back in 1994 – paid for by taxpayers – while pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars from vaccine manufacturers over the years. While the MMR vaccine is dished out like candy over the “measles outbreak,” and the exclusive manufacturer Merck has increased revenues by 27% to $496 million, the media is pimping out doctored baby photos to create panic and claiming the “outbreak” is the fault of anti-vaxxers, as the CDC inflates numbers (again). Learn the facts behind the Measles, Masterminds & Millions in this 6-part series.

• In 1994, the Clintons masterminded the mandatory Vaccines for Children Program – The same year, was the last U.S. measles “outbreak” resulting in zero deaths and 30% of the 963 cases chose not to vaccinate citing religious or philosophic reasons
• Big discrepancies and misrepresentations in reporting by major news outlets and the CDC website pertaining to the measles outbreak
• The Gov. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has settled $4.1 billion in vaccine injury and death cases behind the scenes, paid for by taxpayers, and Obama added more vaccines to the compensation list in December 2016
• The vaccine industry is expected to hit $100 billion by 2025. The Clintons have collected their fair share.
• Merck & Co., the exclusive MMR vaccine manufacturer, is embroiled in a lawsuit against its own scientists who blew the whistle claiming Merck falsified the efficacy rate
• Mandatory MMR vaccines for measles with fines up to $2000 in NY, quarantines in CA, and countless new vaccine bills on the docket to eliminate religious exemption

PART I: The Clintons Masterminded The Mandatory Free “Vaccines for Children” (VFC) Program in 1994


1980s Federal purchases of vaccines nearly tripled under President Bush, growing from $98.2 million in 1988 to $297 million in 1992. Bush also added $46 million to improve immunization delivery to preschool children.

1986 The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was established to ensure the manufacturers weren’t liable. This put the liability on the government to handle all injury and death related vaccine cases behind the scenes, while taxpayers footed the bill.

1992 During the presidential campaign, Bill and Hillary Clinton said that the measles epidemic was the result of the Bush administration’s failure to provide poor and middle-class children with access to vaccines.

1993 President Clinton announced the new “Vaccines for Children (VFC)” program – a program that the Children’s Defense Fund was pushing for, after issuing a report blaming the cost of vaccines for creating a “lethal chain of events” that lead to children’s death from measles. Hillary Clinton had previously worked with the Children’s Defense Fund and was on the board.

1994 The free mandatory Vaccines for Children Program was launched.

They pulled out all the stops to obtain the funding for the vaccines. They pushed the narrative that immunization levels were low because vaccines were too costly, and without a vaccine entitlement, the children would be exposed to the risk of disease. Donna Shalala, then-U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) appointed by Bill Clinton, reported that the immunization rate was at 55%. Shalala served for eight years, the longest HHS Secretary in U.S. history. George W. Bush later hand-picked her to co-chair with Senator Bob Dole on the Commission on Care for Returning Wounded Warriors. She was given the Medal of Freedom from Bush, and went on to receive the Nelson Mandela Award for Health and Human Rights in 2010. Shalala ventured back to the Clintons to serve as President of the Clinton Foundation from 2015 to 2017, and currently serves as a congresswoman to Florida’s 27th District.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.