Message for Wayshowers


Strongly relating to some of the below ~ have for some time ~ but the past 48 hours it has taken on a deeper impact.



(Please do not confuse this post today with ‘detachment to outer world’, covered in previous video 24 February 2018 – Detachment part 1 & part 2).

There are some who are NOW at the following ascension stage. I share in support of their journey:

Having reached a STAGE where one is intuitively aware one must detach from one’s OWN self; This STAGE is not a quick awareness, lesson or quick review, it is a STAGE point. It allows for a review of “WHAT IS ATTACHMENT TO LOWER SELF?”; the lower self, the lower brain consciousness we have experienced by, acted by, thought by. The lower consciousness of a limiting thought system we agreed to experience as. This stage reviews the personality of the human and all the ‘ways’ the personality currently uses, works by, lives by, acts from, feels by. This includes the lower brain’s human memory and the thoughts we are used to, the things we think about, what we say to ourselves, how we communicate to another and the general outer world. It reviews our behaviours such as when we eat and the thoughts that go with it; buying food, preparing food, planning eating times and habits. The WHOLE thought system goes under at this review stage, intentionally so…

The reason all this is now reviewed…is because this STAGE is choice point: we choose whether we as ONE INDIVIDUAL human being are prepared to detach ALSO, from our THIRD DIMENSIONAL lower conscious self in it’s conscious entirety and conscious functions. It is a personal decision, a choice that not all will take. Hence the review PERIOD of linear time where the human being can observe all that this means. They will review all that it means in order to make a ‘human’ choice (free will). In truth the individual has already made the choice pre-incarnation. It is written into the CRYSTALine programme given pre-birth. (See previous video 21 Feb 2018 – Inter Stella Sub Stations). Yet because the veil was placed (memory erased), the human entity is able to NOW have the experience of CHOOSING, whether to let go completely of the third dimensional frequency consciousness they have lived by, or whether to keep it and stay with it. There is no right or wrong choice. Just choice.

For to enter a completely different state of consciousness (Higher State), the lower consciousness will cease to work. One will not reside in a higher state of consciousness whilst retaining a lower state of consciousness (third). Hence this STAGE of linear time to review what this means in order to make an ‘aware’ decision for those at this stage.

Those that choose to LEAVE the third dimensional frequency of conscious experience, NOW experience various human effects:
1) They feel neither in one world or another. This is correct. They are at ‘sub-station’ point, pre-shift.
2) They can no longer function for long (without mental energetic detriment) amongst other third dimensional conscious minds.
3) They can experience irritability if unchecked – because they no longer have any fixed reference point. They are (in energetic terms at sub-station point, pre-shift).
4) They have not embodied Higher State Consciousness in FULL PERMANENT STATE at this point.
5) They have effectively made the choice to jump, in faith. Not having completely CLEAR knowledge what they are choosing to leap into. Only that they TRUST implicitly.
6) They continue to clear themselves again and again of anything that arises within them that is of the ‘old’ programme.
7) They await Shift to Permanent Higher State and experience.

Whilst we are in this phase, much is still happening to the body. Incoming waves will continue to ignite our form at every level. Our bodies continue to receive upgrades. Nerves and cells continue to embody more and more light (energy). Nerve endings, already active and sequenced continue to supply fluids to key physical human glands. Kundalini fires up far more frequently. Wave sequences develop within the human physical. The PULSE is felt continuously. The human body is being lite up within. The Merkaba is being speeded up withIN and withOUT. The human body is becoming a beacon of light (it always was a transmitter).

This IS a VERY active and acute phase for the human vehicle as it adjusts, amplifies, powers up. For the mental, it is ‘no mans land’, a stage of complete surrender of the lower self and lower mind. A stage of complete NOT KNOWING, which IS the space of perfection for this stage. For the emotional it is PEACE. And peace IS required. Anything that infringes on that state of peace is experienced as short, sharp irritability because anything of lower frequency jars as a repellent to the PEACEFUL state we reside at within. For the physical, it requires rest and sleep. It requires listening to the bodies requirements for it speaks our needs to us if we observe. Sunlight, nature, fresh air and water serve as tonics for the physical body at this stage.

Yes we choose to rise. But we are doing it with the body. And whilst the body prepares, so the third dimensional mindset prepares to exit. All the while, we are working our energy, WITH incoming energy to assist GAIA, help ALL living things, in service to SOURCE.

I write this NOW so that those going through this STAGE do not feel alone. Do not feel they are ‘losing it’. It is testing in a sense, but breathing into heart more and more and more as a way of BEing, shows us the next moment, then the next, and then next. You are supported and loved beyond human words. Devine Love never gives up on YOU and your ability as the Devine Light you are and have come here to birth again for ALL.

One Love
13 March 2018

Sourced from here.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.