Mid-afternoon reflection


i wanted to drop this one here awhile i’m in between doing’s for the day.

while out and about earlier, i reflected on a message Vincent Kennedy (twitter – below) shared….given what i have read and heard from others, publicly and privately, the struggle that really kicked in last week continues. i want to know what is behind this energy/experience that is impacting so many of us – including those who don’t feel or aren’t in tune w/the idea of a spiritual and universal war.  that alone is what convinced me today this isn’t just my personal stuff i am feeling.  it goes beyond that.

so here is what came to me.  the Big Us on the outside is awake now – at least awake enough so that we are feeling the expansive nature of what this Universal Clean-up is about.  the more we fully awaken here AND there the more we feeeeeeeeeeeel what’s going on.

it is my feel we are all tuned in together – like one giant radio – and we are feeling E V E R Y T H I N G – far easier than ever – the experience itself (the ability) expanding.

i was asked for advice today.  ha!  i didn’t and still don’t have any suggestions much less some useful answer as to how to ease the suffering/struggle so many are currently feeling and experiencing.  so i created a vision of comfort and support enveloping this person.

perhaps that’s all we can do for one another right now when any other ability to assist isn’t doable.

i am reminded of a song i wrote almost 20 years ago – one line in particular. “reach out to me and i’ll reach to you.  take my hand and hold on.  just hold on…and it will be alright.”



i forgot to include an ongoing experience of being bone-chilled cold.  last night we had the fire roaring – the heat was on in the bedroom and i was underneath flannel sheets, blanket and comforter and could not stop shaking.  i was also hit with a wave of nausea – which is a very unusual “symptom” for me.  cbd oil didn’t help nor did heat so i just went with it and after about an hour or so, fell asleep.  today the temp is in the low 60’s and sun and yet i continue to be very cold.  yesterday the sun was out as well and i had on a sweater, winter coat, leg warmers as i went on a walk.  this is not like me!  lol

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Mid-afternoon reflection”

  1. I recently had my annual check up at the dr.

    He made an interesting comment.

    He said he has been prescribing vitamin D (including to me as my blood work showd a depletion of Vit D – I also noticed that when I logged onto my LabCorp account), more than usual, despite it being winter, which he thought was odd, as this is Arizona (North AZ to be more specific), and we have no shortage of sunshine. I said I thought that was odd too, as I have been outside more in the last 18 months as we now have chickens and a horse. So in addition to the thyroid meds I am taking a 1000mg of Vit D and Tums to improve my calcium levels.

    It was not until I was driving home, that I wondered if this was because the fake sun had been deployed over AZ more in recent times… It would be interesting to see if this Vitamin D deficiency is wide spread and whether it follows a path or timeline.

    It is my hope and desire that we find the truth of all that has been going on, there is so much out there, and it is so hard to decipher truth from disinformation.

    The images you showed of Venus apparently exploding, then the information regarding the space corp… are we in a simulation, or not, one assumes the space corp is outside the simulation…

    I am at the moment rewatching Stargate, and the parallels to information we are starting to see cannot be ignored.
    Parasitical beings
    Star travel
    Multiple aliens involved
    Humans scattered across the galaxy
    Globalist style small community agrarian lives
    Stolen tech
    Multiple groups vying for control of the program and tech on and off world
    Gold features in the goa’uld tech
    Ascention to a higher level – however even there, the rules are broken (Anubis, an ascended being, is wholy invested in interfering on our level – and apparently does so without consequenses – because noone until Jackson steps up, openly call him out… So despite being ‘enlightened’ the denizens of that ‘higher’ plane appear to have all the same issues we have down here… which I have to admit, is a bit depressing 😞)
    Good people in charge of the program fighting on and off world, with the help of aliens.

    Of course the human imagination is limitless, but how much is make believe, and how much is preparing us for reality?

    That is the question. I hope we find out in my lifetime.

    1. i like what you say in the end – our imagination being limitless – but how much is illusion here? what do we REALLY control here? the sun is odd here too – sometimes very strong other times not. i take high dose vit. D3 as my levels as well have been low in the past.

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