Mike Pompeo tweet ~ another find that deserves to “stand on its own”


There are numbers all around this one.  First he posted it at 4:44pm my time.  I was also the 17th person to share it.  Checkmate he says?  Are we really at the end??!!  (looking over my shoulder standing in the front of the line pounding on the door all at the same time lol)  And interesting he mentions Taiwan as China has been threatening aggression against Taiwan in recent weeks.  And I see China has banned sales of Taiwanese pineapples.  (All these evil idiots need to be reschooled on the ways of kindergarten).

Pompeo is also wearing a Cabela’s shirt – which is an outdoors store – fishing, hunting, that sort of thing – plus the color – that military green.  Yes, I would say there are many comms in that one ~ likely telling us it is checkmate with China (and the invisible enemy/deep state –  obviously not the people) and the final liberation of Taiwan (and ALL controls that came from C H Y N A).

Btw:  any chess players know what is going on on the chess board?  The knight is facing the King – with the Bishop is behind and off to its left – pawn on its right.  That’s all I have.  lol


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.