MW latest: Offers proof we are watching a movie every dang day….


Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 6 8 21


fyi – there is a photoshopped image of melania on an alleged mag. cover full of 17 comms.  people are pushing it as legit.  IT IS FAKE.  the image first came from 2017.  there is NO magazine with the title cover.  and some sharing it are being very dismissive and arrogant in their sharing of it.  fake it all around us now – trolls, trolls everywhere.

speaking of frauds ~ if you see this image anywhere on any channel – they are promoting the UN agenda.  RUN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.


UNSDG | e-Report

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “MW latest: Offers proof we are watching a movie every dang day….”

  1. THANK YOU!…and yes–the fake realities are being produced at a mega-speed rate due to the crashing of their empire.

    Lab Rats no more…

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