More info on 4/4…………


Mate has on T’s rally – and it feels like ground hog day – not to mention it feels like having salt poured on a wound – over. and over. and over. again.  Hearing how JB is ruining the country – actually since JB is gone and all that is being done is being ALLOWED to happen (with the narrative being to wake up the normies while ops are carried out) – my mind is screaming JUST SPILL THE BEANS AND TELL THE DAYEM TRUTH ALREADY!  I can’t listen.  Such a challenge to find a connection to anything here – other than those in my house and chosen tribe.


Who knows ~ we’ll see………..

5 Planets, Comet & Asteroid Alignment, Last Time This Happened… Nakshatra Activation, Ra Castaldo



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “More info on 4/4…………”

  1. Re “salt in wounds.” Yes, an apt metaphor. I have been considering an alternate reality view that fortifies my faith in the “GodWins” scenario: DT has been slowly getting the NORMIES up to speed with the realities of an infiltrated country, a criminal MEDIA, and the rats in congress and the senate. There is plausible evidence to support this scenario and still consider that this isn’t just more hopium. I’ve been redundantly repeating to a few close friends that the MEDIA has to be blacked-out before many of the NORMIES will wake up.I do see that many people are in the camp of: broken-beaten-bamboozled-blotto. Add to this the folks who don’t care to know anything other than a football score(same ol same ol), and who obey the GOVT-Media as if Technology is God. It has taken most of my lifetime as a witness of the gradual indoctrination and hypnosis, and to live as far outside of the Grid-thinking as I can manage. We are all being hammered with lies and deceits 24/7. And for those of us who’ve chosen to remain awake, we also must deal with the angst and impatient ‘waiting for the 100th monkey moment’ when we have the mass AHA! Will it happen in our lifetime? I pray tis SO. So Be IT!

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