More interesting finds/goodies including someone I follow went to Ingersoll Lockwood Inc. today…..





Wed. Aug. 4, 2021
They began digging on the other side of the street, by Gum’s diner. They were also working on manholes in different areas. The one area, is right there at the Potomac🤔 The sandbags have yet to be removed, throughout the city, and they have those long green ones, all along Rock Creek, and Rock Creek Park, which is all being dug up, close by, on the water. Between the sandbags, and tbe replacing of water pipes throughout the city, its probably safe to assume, theres gonna be a good push of water coming soon.
May be an image of outdoors
Some recent “nasa” cam captures…(haven’t done these in awhile – but these are a bit interesting to me…)
Intense….Is that the alleged Prometheus?  (i believe that’s the name some have given this object)
Two little “planets”/Vahs on the right….I don’t normally see those show up like this (at least when I was into looking at these things daily)….Usually it’s just “mercury” or “venus” transitting…..
Something coming out on the top right….
Well….lookie who went to Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. today…..Interesting greeting too, wouldn’t you say?  “Time Travelers”……(i saw the Pool post a day or two ago but didn’t put it together w/their logo)….
Wed. Aug. 4, 2021
1717 Pennsylvania Ave.
Ingersoll Lockwood
Mr. Pool, I tried. I really did. So, I went in, and was greeted by a very nice man, at the front desk of the building. He asked me, what my business was, and if I had a person of contact. Well, of course I didnt. He told me if I had my ID, that he would call upstairs, and ask if I could come up. So, I walk back to my car, grab my ID and went back. He checked it out, and called upstairs. Someone answered the phone, but said unfortunately there wasnt anyone in the office, to speak with me at the time, but to please go on their website. I already had been, and was quite taken back by the recorded greeting, “This is not CNN” and “Welcome Time Travelers”. 🤔 hmm…..check out their site. Could they possibly be leading the humanitarian projects we have heard about? Just a thought.
Mr. Pool, if you have any pull, lol, can ya help a sista out, please? I am very intrigued.
More asset$ being taken….Hanks….Oprah….
Or your government…
May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'YOUR BODY DOES NOT BELONG TO YOUR EMPLOYER, YOUR SCHOOL, OR YOUR NEIGHBOR. WOKE.ISLAND.MAMA'

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.