My reflection in song lyrics


Everything here feels fake to me today.  Who we really are – even that is hidden from us.  We get glimpses of Who We Are – here and there – and we are encouraged to continue to remember – continue to reach for this seemingly never-ending carrot of who we really are.  If only a part of BIG US is here – isn’t it time to stop pressuring ourselves and each other to BE that Big Us here?

If this is a matrix – well – let’s view it as that and stop giving advice to one another and start SUPPORTING one another.

Starting with – what can we really DO to break free?  Seriously – what can we do?  Is focus enough or is action needed (as in what one does in battle)?  And I’m not just talking about being in a state of calm and serenity – I get that.  I am talking in a literal sense.  What can we DO to get out of here?  What can we do to be FULLY FREE to Create whatever it is we desire without anyone or any “thing” powering back against us?

For now I leave you with some song lyrics as promised in the title for how I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel within…..


I breakdown in the middle and lose my thread
No one can understand a word that I say
When I breakdown just a little and lose my head
Nothing I try to do can work the same wayAny time it happened, I’d get over it
With a little help from all my friends
Anybody else could see what’s wrong with me
But they walk away and just pretend

When I breakdown

I breakdown in the middle and lose my thread
No one can understand a word that I say
When I breakdown just a little and lose my head
Nothing I try to do can work the same way

Where are all the friends who used to talk to me?
All they ever told me was good news
People that I’ve never seen are kind to me
Is it any wonder I’m confused?

When I breakdown…When I breakdown

Freedom, freedom, we will not obey
Freedom, freedom, take the wall away
Take the wall away
Freedom, freedom, we will not obey
Freedom, freedom, take the wall away
Where are all my friends?
I’m so confused
Take the wall away
Take the wall away
Won’t somebody help me?


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.