Mysterious RED MIST GLOW at the International Space Station


Orange snow (iron oxide).  Now this…  Go to the link provided to watch the video and you will see this “mist” is being intentionally aimed at the ISS.  


A really strange event happened yesterday when a massive red mist glow appeared in Space. The International Space Station was also completely surrounded by the red mist glow.

A few days earlier a bizarre phenomenon has occurred in four countries, where strange orange snow has fallen in Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Romania, turning ski resorts into ‘apocalyptic’ looking scenes.

News reports say that the orange snow was likely the result of winds blowing sand from the Sahara desert but is it really just sand blowing up from the Sahara desert that is causing the orange snow?

Streetcap1 who recorded the red mist glow: “Sahara sand can travel into space causing the red mist glow? What could be the real source of this strange space phenomenon?”

Continue reading here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.