No-nonsense telling it about the current level of attacks


My day began by seeing the following – first thing on X:

Last night I went to bed – did my usual intention, body work, relaxing, etc.  Fell asleep fairly quickly and deeply.  But suddenly was woken up with a sharp jerk followed by a choking sensation and a powerful but quick vision of “something” (or plural) trying to place a metal cage/box over my head.  I shook it off – relaxed – and tried to return to sleep.  I couldn’t.  I started to shake with anxiety – again tried shaking it off doing my stuff.  Nothing was working permanently – when I would stop my “magic”, this unwanted anxiety would return.  Then the mental prodding began.  It felt like something was trying to squeeze my brain (total mind attack).  It didn’t hurt – but it was very uncomfortable.  For a few moments I thought I was going to lose it mentally, so I began to fight back, as allowing it to just be was absolutely not helping.  I remained firm and as detached as I could – but I suddenly knew I was in some sort of a personal, targeted battle.  I resisted the impinging thoughts that were being thrown into my beautiful mind (because they were absolutely not mine).  I finally began to call in Jesus.  Then Heaven.  Then Home.  Not a damn thing worked – not until I called in Mary after having this feeeeeeeeeel that this was an attack on me because I am Female and I needed a strong Female who “got it” and would come in and clear this unwanted sheot.

It worked.

So, seeing what Rose shared above was something I could resonate with – but didn’t want to.  For obvious reasons.

Then I spoke with a few others and saw others (all but one are female) saying the same – current attack going on – mind and/or heart.

I sent a message to Sister Deborah and she called me – both of us in absolute agreement on the following thoughts:  This is bullsheot and we’re f’ing done with these unwanted attacks.  It’s time to TALK about them – openly in that no-nonsense style I employ here.

It’s like walking down the street minding your own business having some unwanted parasite throw rocks at you or nasty words or taunts.  Fill in the blank.  You power up and do what you can.  Often when you reach out to others of like mind you’re told to power up or ignore it.  Or you’re told that it is your thoughts creating this and to choose a new thought.

Blah blah f’ing blah.

This. Is. War. On. Us.  PERIOD.  Our minds – consciousness – our Soul energies.  Who cares if once we get out it all feels like a f’ing dream – or IS a dream.  It’s still very. real. to. these. bodies here now – to our minds.

Conveniently, and likely by design by “them”, not everyone experiences these attacks – which makes it easy for those who don’t to toss out useful words of unwanted and pointless advice.  Matrix loves to make us look crazy.  Keeps “their” division going.  But if we’re truly on the conscious journey of awakening, that includes listening to everyone’s experience in it.  One vast consciousness experiencing many different realities inside this prison.

Sister D and I spoke about the why – why is this happening to us?  I mentioned part of a convo I had had with LH earlier today about all of this – where we both said we have had this ongoing sense that we are very special here – powerful – but something about being “special” – not in a “i am better than you” but just special – definitely different than the enemy.  It’s something that I have felt for awhile now – and she – LH – said she has had that experience/feel herself as well.  D and I agreed it’s time to stop discounting just how f’ing powerful and special we are.  This is WHO WE REALLY ARE.

I recall first hearing about mind control and targeted individuals about 20 years ago.  This is real sheot and, for me, it doesn’t matter where it originates from.  Inside.  Outside.  Technology.  Real organic entities hiding in one of the dimensions here or humans controlled by them.  Unless you’re living it, you can’t “get it”.  But you can try and show some understanding and compassion.  For inside this simulation, ANYTHING is possible.

If you’re having similar experiences, feel free to comment.  In the very end we each rescue ourselves – however – none of us get there alone.  And why should we even have to?




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “No-nonsense telling it about the current level of attacks”

  1. Hey sis! Thanks for sharing – we DO need to be talking about this! What several of us had in common – the coughing/choking (mine came around 3 am I think) – I at first thought was natural. Half-asleep, was about to reach for an antihistamine & cough medicine – then something made me pause & I thought, “No… that’s not right.” On instinct, I thought, “I do not consent to choking & hacking! I do not consent!” & it stopped. Not even spoken out loud, just in my head. And I fell back asleep hard.

    Curious to hear others’ experiences & more about how Mary helped! ❤️

  2. Satan-I rebuke thee! …Be gone Moloch!… [and yes–have been aware of the dark pressure as we work to transform and transcend the evil which has interfered with our divine presence.]

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