Notes From The Event: Falling Forward Into Light


editor’s note:  for those new to this site, i had one dream of the event in early 2017.  prior to that i was on the fence about it – i thought it sounded beautiful conceptually, but wasn’t convinced.  the dream changed all that – i awoke with a knowing this was a done deal (while in the dream my mind kept thinking “wow this is REAL!”).  i felt very peaceful – light.  anyway my immediate feel upon waking up was “early fall” – or even late summer – given the weather, what people were wearing and the trees.  now i have tried to force fit that into a date of my desire – last year it was spring.  then fall.  then early this year it was spring again then summer and now here i am.  however all along quietly i was guided to go with my initial feel and it has not waivered.  seems to align w/what some of the cats are saying now.  this time intending the year is 2018. 


Everyone asks the same question. As many of you know, we post what we see and experience pretty much as soon as it happens. We assume a certain amount of flexibility in findings as the spiritual world has a much different (ha!) timeframe than we do. Much different.

In February, we saw that it was going to be warm at the time of The Event… so we thought it would be during this summer… which isn’t over, yet… so we harassed looked as far ahead as we could (which is tough given the energies) one more time, and here’s what some of us recently saw when we searched for additional Event timing cues:

M3: “I still see it being kind of warm; it feels like the time of year when it’s warm during the day and cooler at night, like you need a sweater or jacket at night. I have smells I tie to seasons too, and it smells like autumn to me. Never thought of that before.”

M4: “The (main) Event may have shifted on this timeline; at the time of The Event, I now see leaves starting to change — and all the ‘pumpkin’ foods are coming out. It’s still nice out, and we haven’t have to break out jackets just yet. It could be this fall. It definitely didn’t feel like the transition from spring to summer (which has a different smell). No, I’m tying it to that crispness in the air which was absent. Maybe this fall… or I guess it could be next fall, too.”

M2: “I think the red and blue teams and “fighting swirls” I saw around the time of The Event could be republican and democrat boundaries or conflicts… the political mess and midterm election is somehow going to propel (and even welcome) phases of The Event… just a thought. But with all the timeline jumping, it could happen a hundred different ways, depending on what’s best for you. Or it might come down to one track or another. Too many variables. I just now got that timeline idea and asked if it was to take place as a sudden timeline cut-in, and I saw emphatic nodding. So… it could happen at any time! Arrg.”

M5: “Given all the timeline jumping, this “Event” actually feels more and more like a million little steps getting us to our final destination. It is literally happening all the time, now.”

Continue here.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Notes From The Event: Falling Forward Into Light”

  1. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I’m ready to give this program up. It’s not fun going through life alone.

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