An Opportunity to Heal, Reconcile and End This Male/Female Separation


Love, Passion, Act, Man, Woman, Pair

I read this on facebook and found it very helpful and truthful.  Both genders have been pulled out of their authentic selves.  We all know current societies run on the concept that the male dominates the female. This comes in many forms.  Power over.  Controlling behaviors in conversations.  Questioning behaviors.  Restrictions.  Expectations. Demands.  Using money to control.

It is time for the males, as some are indeed doing, to own how they have participated in this falsehood.  It is time for the masculine to listen to the feminine as she shares her stories of being dominated and abused and harmed.

It is time for the women, as some are indeed doing, to own how they too have participated in this falsehood.  It is time for the feminine to listen to the masculine as he shares his stories of being harmed and lied to by this patriarchy system and robbed of his right to own his own feminine energies.

Working together, in purity, with conscious intention to stay out of defensiveness, we can help one another heal.


Some of the strongest and most complex bands of energies , vibrations , and frequencies known to humankind are in focus.
These bandwidths , are meant to literally act like lasers , meant to cut away , to dissect the archaic , rotting cores of Paradigms of destruction.
The oppressions , suppression , abandonment of Gaias Goddess /Priestess energy is one of the trails of tears.
Our Men , who have been laid before their feet , have agreed to a contract that will ignite the power within the temple of Woman. It is a selfless act of love , to some it will be a trigger that will be the catalyst of pain. Not pain from the Man , but the pain of female collective , as well as the individual. The Man will reenact a scene , that will spark fire within the old embers , raise the pain , bring it to the surface , so Women can finally stand in Sovrieignty as individual as as a collective into their own power. Healing within and healing without the full collective back into Love.
Priestess/goddess, they are here to heal you , build you , not destroy you. Be grateful , that they too have agreed to heal you , they are trying to rectify the horrific damage from a twisted Masculine Lineage.
Step out , do your work , love yourself as no other can or should , so women before , during and after you will have healing through Devine Goddess /Priestess Lineage and suffrage will be No More.
The Masculine fiber of space , has gone through rumbles of change as of late and Gaia will Nurture as no other can, their raising of their own Phoenix of Rose Gold Light .Patience , tolerance and compassion is the compounds needed on the knife cuts if Masculine protocol. All will catch up to meet equally All.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.