Oregon Patriots Assaulted, Arrested at the Capitol for Utilizing their Constitutional Rights



The Trump Administration needs to do something IMMEDIATELY.  How can people Defend their Right to Freedom if they are met with such force? Hmm? Someone care to answer that one for me?  These people are heroes and deserve the same damn level of protection any government official receives.  Enough of this nightmare.  REINFORCEMENTS NOW.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Oregon Patriots Assaulted, Arrested at the Capitol for Utilizing their Constitutional Rights”

  1. V~ We need to show up in greater numbers. And more folks have got to endure a bit of discomfort in order to turn the tide.
    POTUS is in a multiple timeline scenario–and it seems apparent that his team has a strategy and must play it like chess masters. I am dealing with certain group of intelligent friends who have not been red-pilled; so we are still dealing with a hyper-cognitive dissonance in addition to the real time drama play.
    Some observers say that most of the public drama-rama on display is kabuki theater.
    Our concerted meditation practices do have the power to shift events on the physical plane. We must embrace our mindful skills as well as show up for certain demonstrations.

    Many of us are trying to find a balance between the powers of Mind and the Power of group Actions.

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