Puzzle pieces – putting something together (an end of game synch?)


Ok so first I listened to this one.  (it isn’t new – it’s a mirror from a video youtube removed of Rose’s intel on the end/exit from a couple of years back).  “Ison” returns and is part of the sky event/end skit here.  You hear it at around the 1 minute mark:

YRRT regarding our EXIT. Exiting!



There was speculation that ISON was a ship and not a comet that the “science” claimed.

I checked out C2 cam just a few moments ago.  Check it out:


Does that object look a bit like this?  I think so…(go here for more images of how this thing morphed at the time)  (UPDATE:  Looks like two ships – what I call the prometheus and something else…)

Mike Bara.com: Is Comet Ison a Spaceship? Who am I to Say No?


Coincidence?  Or a synch that we are indeed at the end….

Now if THAT doesn’t ring your bell – check out the lastest from MrMBB333:

Mysterious 300ft WIDE Aerodynamic “Structure” Sitting on TOP of the Earth – Big as a Football Field!

Another ship getting released to be a part of the end game sky show?

We will see…..

UPDATE:  It’s a russian air field.   Thank you for a viewer for telling me (it’s in the comment section).  I wish he would vet this sheot more before dumping it on a video for half a million people to see all at once.  Grrr…..



and p.s. – the latest matrix trailer comes out thursday – i will share it here.  guess the name….


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “Puzzle pieces – putting something together (an end of game synch?)”

  1. Exodus is most intriguing. My dreams lately have featured a lot of cats…and one dream with a big cat, like a Lynx. Last night in a barren parking lot–as I approached my car, the only car in sight–I eventually recognized that a praying mantis was on my trunk. I almost crushed the poor thing as it got into the trunk crevice, and I thought it was a leaf. I apologized for my klutziness. Then I took it to a planter and left it on a plant leaf. Then after arriving back at home base, an owl swooped over the car and sat on a limb of a tree –I presumed it was observing me before I got out of the car. As I started to focus on it, he flew off in a spectacular wing flapping ballet. I have never seen an owl fly over the parking lot like this. Suffice to say–I feel like medicine animals are making very frequent visits lately.

    1. Cool.
      Did you look up spiritual meanings?
      My friend had a Praying Mantis come to him recently.

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