#QAnon’s Extended Silence is Well-Founded – #QDay is Coming – #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT


Editor Victoria’s Note:  I love the work of NeonRevolt.  He feels Q goes public on 11/11.  My JFK Junior dream said ALL is revealed by thanksgiving (11/22). An amazing month ahead, me feels…


It’s not the first time #QAnon has gone dark. And actually, I’m quite /comfy/ right now, watching things play out, and taking the time to expose corruption, rankle #LunaticLeftists across the web, as well as dive into some topics I’ve been meaning to explore for a while. (I’ve got at least one other major article I want to get out soon, but it’s very research intensive, so I don’t have a date set for that, yet).

But do you follow me on Gab yet?

You should. I post a lot of fun, informative, and important content on it. I’m not joking about that. If you only follow me here on the site, you’re missing out on A LOT.

Follow here:


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(And if you want some other accounts to follow, take a look at who I follow, personally. That’s always a good place to start).

Why do I preface with that?

Because I was asked the other day:

The Hatch Act! I had tried to spread the word about two weeks ago:

But today #Anon expertly expanded on the subject, and I’m publishing this now, here on the main site because I want to make sure everyone in the #QArmy is well aware:

Makes sense to me! Wouldn’t want #TheCabal getting off on some kind of technicality like The Hatch Act, now, would we? Could you even imagine?? No way that’s happening. #POTUS and #QTeam have planned for EVERY eventuality.

Continue Reading Here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.