Rare Astrological Event ~ 7 Planets Direct for January 7th – February 6th

via TheMindUnleashed,

Image result for planets direct image

Starting January 7th and going through February 6th, 2017, all of the major planets will be moving direct (forward). Ancients saw this as a time of great fortune and a very opportune time.

Stephanie “Wave” Forest is the first known astrologer first to publish articles, teach online courses and present slide show lectures on both the occurrence and potential of All Planets in Direct Motion (APDM).

Wave states, “Now, here in this moment, from our geo-centric view, our entire solar system, moving together, in the same direction, like a flowing cosmic river, all traveling towards this one direction.  From the position of the Sun or Earth’s perspective, All Planets in Direct Motion represents an organic, holistic, synchronous, harmonious group passage through the endless universe. 

An APDM cycle is definitely one of hope for the future. It’s uniquely a time where the earth’s perspective becomes like the Sun. Where the vibration of the solar system can provide an extraordinary kind of cosmic assistance to any endeavor created to benefit, rather than to hinder, human life on earth. Where the whole planet can be energized by cosmic fuel rather than fossil fuels.

The auspicious timing of APDM 2017 is recommended by astrologers for successful mergers, marriages, large acquisitions, charity events, physical operations, inaugurations, launch a new business, birth a new president and anything else where one desires a positive result.

APDM is furthermore considered to be a time when the universe is in a state of natural order with all the planets are traveling forward.” 

Continue reading here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.