Reflection ~ 12.5.23



I recently saw one of the truther accounts say when we see Trump’s kids putting up images and videos on their social media accounts – where they are vacationing, going places, doing well, living it up, etc. – we should take that as a sign that ALL IS WELL.

For whom?

Is all going well for you?

Are you vacationing?

Have you been given access to the top healing modalities?

Do you have the funds to live as they do?

Why is it WE get told to be patient as the system (allegedly) crashes?

Why is it WE get told to detach from the system while Trump and those like him – alleged truthers in our government remain a part of it given their lifestyles?

Let me be clear:  my issue at the moment is not with those who ARE doing well – my issue is with those who make the comments above.

It feels judgmental.


What am I supposed to do?

Stop working?

Continue to plod on as I do without the help I need (while being told to watch the Trump family kids and their luxurious pampered lifestyles because that should tell me all is well so if all is well for them it should be for my mind/heart as well)?

Then there is the phrase – “no one is above another”.

A nice theory.

A beautiful philosophy, in truth.

But that isn’t how it is here.

I still see people in the awakening community who put more value over the big accounts.

And this philosophy obviously plays out on the world stage.  That mentality still remains. I got mine.  You go get yours.  You made your bed – now lie in it.

What else is irking me?

Oh yes – lol……….

This new generation of kids who aren’t working.

Or – as I am seeing it – don’t want to be debt slaves and work at jobs that suck the way we all have had to do here?

Are they lazy or do they just want a New World?

Are they unmotivated or do they simply want to follow their passions – their hearts?

Maybe they came here with a little more gumption to not sell out.

Perhaps they came here with NEW energy to inspire and bring IN new.

Maybe we should get behind them.

Maybe it’s time we command what we want instead of pretending all is well when all is not well in our hearts.

Perhaps it is time now to Unite (instead of waiting for the plan to tell us the when and give the details).



Present our commands.

Make it so.

That’s all for now.






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Reflection ~ 12.5.23”

  1. All is well = Trump family is not going to prison..(in my interpretation.) I just saw a story on Redacted that says Zelensky is being relocated to the US, and provided with Secret Service protection. If this is a fact, with no other WH op behind it–I’d say that there will be a lotta folks who will blow a few fuses. We are living in a Twilight Zone.

    1. regardless – to show yourself online living it up is not taking into consideration how many are struggling now – those numbers having gone way up. they are NOT being negatively harmed by the COL.

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