

If I hear yet again that “the matrix is breaking down” I am going to say – FOR WHOM?

We were awoken shortly after sun rise by pounding.  Apparently our new neighbors are putting in a new roof (grandpa don’s former home).  It would have been nice to have had a heads up so we could have had windows closed, fans on (to hide the noise).  And yet – we are still waiting to get a trench in our yard filled in that workers they hired created.  About 6 weeks ago, they hired people to come and take out ivy in the row of hedges separating the properties.  Apparently there was more ivy than they thought so maybe 10% of the hedge remained so they decided to just rip it all down and put up a fence.  We discussed this with them and agreed it was best.  So when the next round of workers came out to remove the remaining hedges, they dug into our yard, removing grass, dirt and rock AND plants.  We remained reasonable about it.  For the past 3 weeks we were told the dirt, rocks and plants would be replaced.

This has yet to happen.  And now – we have pounding.  And sawing.

As my mate said – when you have money – elite privilege – you can do whatever you want.

We also have our neighbor across the street getting yet more work down on her house (this time her back yard).  She is never happy with her place apparently.  Again – elite privilege.  The workers parked half of their equipment in front of our house when they could have easily parked it in front of hers.  We got that taken care of.

So while for US it appears everything for those with money are carrying on as usual.

But for myself, personally?  Nothing is normal.  Nothing feels right.

I have been seeking some work-at-home opportunities.  Nothing but blocks – but I continue to pursue.  My recent challenge was the website telling me my zip code could not be verified.

I was thinking about the concept that all has to play out.


Why is that?

What is the POINT of creating further challenges?

What is the POINT of allowing THEIR narrative to play out while OURS continues to be hidden and/or repressed/blocked/controlled.

For all of the gratitude I have, I am also filled with frustration.  You could say I am a walking paradox.

But that is how things run here.

Other than that, I had an amazing, heart-filling dream of a gathering.  Linea was even there.  That provides me comfort – at the time.  Now?  It just pisses me off.  ha  (now that I have had the experiences of today and am in a quiet space, I was reflecting more on this dream.  It wasn’t a dream.  I was able to recall within the feeling.  It was a real experience.  The energy – the frequency – was different – unlike any “dream” I have had before in terms of the energy.  It was literally another version of Me.  It feels quite prophetic. My mind is trying to grasp the concept that Big Me has already had the experience and I am waiting for the me here to play catch up.)




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

6 thoughts on “Reflection”

  1. “the concept that all has to play out”

    Ugh, I so hear you! I’m both eye-rolling and yawning over it. Tired of “kicking the can down the road” and just want this unserving game to end.

    I thought you might appreciate hearing this…so I listen to Bashar’s channellings…one of his recent ones, in a Q and A, he said that his civilization went through a lockdown event a time ago…but seeing as they were all advanced and civilized and shit (HAHA), he called it a “telepathic lockdown”…where they literally stopped what they were doing for 3 days (eating and drinking included, apparently?) and “went still”/meditated.
    Sounds friggin awesome! Would’ve loved to have an experience like that over here, ha.
    But here we are, dragging through this lockdown nonsense.

    Sending hugs from southern california

    1. hugs back – perhaps we need a telepathic visual meditation on a select date/time where we visualize 1) the lockdown ENDS and 2) the matrix program stops and 3) we emit outta here and back Home

      1. YES!!! would love that! name the date and time and i’m there…we can bring this up to Lisa to on her next live!

  2. Wow! You’ve really thrown a monkey wrench into the matrix, and they are not happy about it.
    Looking at it from my perspective, it would seem that there is a subtle form of ‘gaslighting’ going on.
    The grocery store is not cooperating; stuff is being mixed up and more, now the neighbors are doing weird stuff. It’s as if the AI has noticed you, and is manipulating people to go against you. It really shows, i.e. exposes how much of a matrix we are operating in. So if all this stuff is supposedly being dismantled, how come we are not seeing any results? Shouldn’t there be major glitches at this point?
    Especially, with all the crap flying off the sun? Or is this why there are so many explosions?

    1. yes. thank you for saying that. that is why i say “i see you” and do my best to let it go so. lots of self-talk going on now. (my feel – the matrix knew of me from the moment i came here. these experiences are not really that unheard of for me. i also feel these oddities – esp. w/the store – are also due to the matrix collapsing. we are ready to see that process sped the ‘f’ up.)

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