Reflections………..and Finds………11.7.22


Got a lot going through my mind ~ woke me up early.  My heart is heavy ~ I’m done getting poked and triggered – past two days all day.  My mind feels like it’s melting – unable to focus well – certainly jumping from one thing to another OR to be expected to remember anything from the day before which is just not happening and really needing understanding on that issue alone but just not getting it in the way I need much less deserve………


The pieces I shared yesterday by Ms. Wolf – very relevant and thought provoking they are – were triggering for me – but in a way I didn’t expect.  She is a best selling author.  One of those part of the club – maybe not anymore – but still achieved a lot of $uccess as a result.  She writes about women and children in need – poverty – domestic violence/abuse – but has she ever actually done anything USEFUL to help these women?  Talking about (what is now) OBVIOUS – is not enough.  It’s about as useful as someone who has an estate walking by a homeless person and saying “I will pray for you”.

Fuch that sheot.

It’s simple.  If you have a big public platform – use it to HELP THOSE HIDDEN and in the MOST NEED.  I don’t have a big platform but I have ALWAYS been willing and open about sharing the needs of others here.  Need something?  Let me know – I’ll put it out there and see if I or someone else can help.  That’s how we Create what we all want, right?  Together.  It is an inherent organic part of Who I Am – who We all are.

There has ALWAYS been plenty of resources to help out every one who seeks it and needs it – whatever that need is.

A home?  BOOM.  There you go.

Help with a business idea?  BOOM.  There you go.

Food?  BOOM.  There you go.

One of the reasons I have stayed away from many of the big channels is because I don’t see them doing sheot to promote small channels much less doing something really helpful with their connections and resources to find people in need NOW and offering them help.  They simply have a pulpit and they love to hear themselves speak – and make a good amount of money doing so.

And I am f’ing done with that.

These rallies.

I want to hear Melania speak.

I’m tired of T (actor or whoever).

I am tired of T jr. (who emailed my inbox with t-shirts and other maga type gear).  Didn’t 17 tell us to watch those who make mass profits off of the movement?  Hmm?  Yet this is somehow ok?  And all of the other big T people charging money for rallies, speeches and gear.  Oh yes – if some “approved” individual is doing it, that’s ok.  But you digital keyboard warriors?  You aren’t allowed.  Unless of course T Jr. is giving away his profits or doing something helpful to those in need as he has plenty of $$ (if he is, I ain’t seen any of it lol).

We’re told by a certain platform not to focus on money or increasing our income because we may lose our right to get out.  But T is said to be good to go Home.

Hypocrisy has a certain stench.

Information without heart – platforms without purpose to help w/heart – are empty.  And information sharing disguised as intel without allowing questions much less using basic common sense TO question pushed current narratives……..yeah – same stench.

That’s why I want to hear Melania speak.  lol  Mama’s tell it like it is – with heart – with that underlying concern for the children.

I want to hear DIVINE WOMEN speak.

I’ve had it up to HERE with the old patriarch system of hypocrisy (and not saying only men engage in this – women do too – the sell outs – see above for my thoughts on that).

I’ve had a feeling all along – if I were a man, I’d be making more money at this site.  Think about it – who are we – who are you – programmed to give more of a listen to:  a man or a woman?  Are you more likely to pay for something offered by a man or a woman?

It’s a ridiculous program and it’s in all of us.

I’ve seen it in myself and I am really tuned into it now.  It’s gotta go.

Bust it up.

Those of you – male and female – who support my work – who talk with me outside of this platform – THANK YOU.  I value the love, support and most of all the connection we make.

Those who come here and have never shown support ~ you have a choice to step it up now and show support or leave.  I don’t want any more lurkers who take my work and thus ME for granted.  I am done with that.  I deserve the same amount of respect as anyone else in this movement.

Or maybe this is all about to finally end AND shift and we will have the NEW we seek – I will have the NEW I seek and everything I said above just really doesn’t matter and is just old stuff that won’t matter anymore.  What do I really know.




The energy is – I need a new word.  Intense doesn’t fit.  We had more intense non-forecasted weather.  Weather machines obviously at it.  The amount of rain we had along with how it was non. stop. all. day. long – wow.  The energy with it was wicked.  It has finally stopped and I can see blue sky with the setting sun.  A lift.

One last thought ~ on prayer.  I keep seeing something pop up about God’s “time”.  You can’t force your life.  But just what if – given “time” is “their” program here – in our experience without evil – IT IS ALWAYS ‘God’s’ TIME BECAUSE IT IS ALWAYS OUR TIME AND THERE REALLY IS NO TIME.  The idea of “force” isn’t in our energy field because God/Flow/Divine ALWAYS IS THERE.  There are no blocks.  Thus – no waiting.  Children know – we struggle to teach our kids patience – and struggle to master it ourselves.  We aren’t meant to master it because it’s a false matrix program.  Time to bust that one up too.

Oh and btw ~ if you joined my telegram channel and found yourself blocked – let me know.  I have had an uptick in subscribers using the invite link – and yet when I check the bio/image I am getting off/spammer vibes.

Off to search for some finds.




There sure is………




Define angels………There has to be good out there – even inside this place……








Doing it again ~ Rumble showing a “day behind” – saying T is speaking now – November 6th……….


Another drop…………


Nov 07, 2022 7:20:19 PM EST
Why do some elections take more than a day to count? Can cheating be done after the polls are closed? Who controls the pollbooks? Who controls the databases? Who controls the elections? Why are extra ballots printed? If someone doesn’t vote, can bad actors hijack their vote? How? Why did the National Guard activate cybersecurity teams? Who gave the order to ‘activate’ the cybersecurity teams? Why? To protect the elections? To claim the midterms are ‘safe’? Safe from what? Setting the stage? Watch carefully. White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.
You have all the tools you need. Vote. Q
“You have all the tools you need.”  Said last two drops.  I decided to gematria the term:
I Stand With President Trump
All Mysteries Solved The End Finally Gosh
Start Thinking Like A Millionaire
Two Thousand Twenty Two
The Earth Is A Jail Control By Satan
Any Lies Will Be Exposed Be Ready
Tired During The Day And Fit At Night
Where There Is Love There Is Hope
A Woman Should Be Respected And Loved
We keep on going though……..

An illegitimate government cannot hold elections.


Any of these big hitters w/the big contacts over there rescuing them?  Don’t the big ones have the private jets, security, etc. to do that?  This has always been the case for the women and children here ~ for the vulnerable.  This is horrid…….
And now none of this holds any energetic “meaning” until we all SEE………
So much agitation and overwhelm……..head and ear pressure…………seems to be collective………..anyone noticing you suddenly hear water dripping or running – in some sort of distance?
YellowRoseforTexas1 day ago
There is a continuous build up and cor1 goes overbright, cams go off for a period and when they come back on, cor1 looks burned out. Cor 2 has Mercury showing its crossing. Venus doesn’t show on this image, but is there as well. The AI is failing, and its tied to us. As it fails its pushing feelings of fear. We feel that, and may mistake it for our own fear or something we’re looking at etc. State out loud, this is not your fear and use deep breathing to dispel it. DSisusingELF. This device also pushes feelings of fear, on a frequency level we cant audibly hear. Knowing is half the battle. Know that these are not your fears, or something you are doing or events you are watching.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.