Reflections Part 2 ~ 2/6/18


Forest, Trees, Green, Sunlight, Road

They just keep comin’…kinda like this cold virus that keeps on makin’ an unwelcome appearance…

I recently heard a video that included Allison Coe, QHHT.  I love her work, her spirit, her energy.  She said something though that made me pause and think “nooooo don’t put that out there!”  She said, even though her clients have overwhelmingly given the 3d time-span of the first 3 months of 2018 for The Event, she said even if it doesn’t happen then she’ll be ok for she knows it’s coming.

Nooooo, I thought.  We are Creator Beings!  We co-create here.  We can draw forth this energy NOW.

WE CAN DRAW FORTH THIS ENERGY.  By showing resistance or saying well if it doesn’t arrive that may push it away.

I am not willing to take that chance by entertaining the thought.

Endless talk of we create our thoughts create.

So then let’s draw it to us NOW.

Create a timeline for it.  Create a bubble for just the number of us who want it.

We are tired and done.

Many of us feel we have done as much as we can.

Some say the Event will occur in 2024 and other dates far off into some elusive future.

Not good enough.  Not in my reality.  I do not consent to that timeline.  That experience.  That year.

Love Responds in the NOW.

Draw the return of Source Wave Energies to your Being NOW.

We were pushed, kicked, conquered quite quickly.  In a flash.

We arise, heal, and are restored and returned to our Rightful Place in a flash.


Another insight swimming through me in this moment of Now.

Those who are saying “don’t look here, don’t give that attention” are being Spiritually amiss.  When we allow ourselves to be in the state that “all is love/all is well” that makes us vulnerable to attack.  It sucks, yes indeed but that is the reality of this realm we have been in.  I had a flash earlier that part of the reason why we were conquered was because we were did not want to see the behavior.  It was new to us, so traumatizing, so shocking. Not looking at it doesn’t make it go away, at least not that I am aware of.  If that were the case, we wouldn’t be in this war/mess.  The vast majority of humanity has been looking the other way, mostly unconsciously, and that hasn’t made any of that dark crap disappear now has it?  It has allowed it to flourish.

Love sees ALL.

Love shines the light of Truth on ALL of it.

Love says “I SEE YOU”.

When you hide you remain in the dark.

Eyes open.

Hearts open.

Minds open.

The Soul and Spirit willing to embrace it ALL.

Then make the choice as to what is OK and what is NOT and create the energy around those desires and put forth action.

And that, my beautiful people, is all I have for now.  Please as always share your insight’s, words of wisdom.  How are you doing your journey during this time?  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Reflections Part 2 ~ 2/6/18”

  1. I have good days and not so good days. Better since the sotu and memo release when there were shifts. Light was brought forth and Disclosure, although minute, happened. Some days I cry, especially when it is Chem trailed skies all around. I feel compassion for the plants/animals who are gifts to us and just Be. I have difficulty sometimes feeling that same compassion towards some humans…I am done with their journey many days.
    The time is now!
    I command forth the Primary Christed time line for all willing Souls!

    1. going back to my childhood i always felt more comfortable around young children and animals. still feel the same, overall. having a very similar experience star sister. 🙂

  2. there is alot of truth in what u say, can tell is coming from ur heart.

    But like u say in an other post on the subj there s alot of ppl that hv not woken up yet-so, if what is abt to happen here is that the whole plnt is to move …up then the timeframe would depend on when all if the majority atleast mng to raise up…

    ur..bubble although a conforting idea contradicts the moto ”we leave no man behind”

    And ur statement we r tired and done ,although may b true to many, doesnt it actually manifest it,thus giving power to the opposition?

    With love,


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