Resharing – this one needs to be a Stand Alone


I watched this one – at the slowest speed – also paid attention to the mouth movements of Trump and Epstein.  If what she is saying they are saying – if that is correct – J E was part of the plan to expose the reppies and their human skin hosts.  Talk about a plot twist!  I’m in a bit of a mind surprise. That would explain his “suicide”….. Creating this island with camera’s, etc. to trap “them”.  I can’t argue against that.  T speaking of sticking “them” in their own dimension – and us returning to the Real Universe (via prayer – which I feel is also done when we seek the Truth and awaken and challenge the agendas here – that is an act of prayer).  Nothing should be surprising us in terms of just what the real truth is here.  No wonder H R was the first to be (seen) being hauled off.  I would recommend slowing this one way down and when you need to, back up and re-watch.

BOMBSHELL! Epstein Island was a TRAP

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Resharing – this one needs to be a Stand Alone”

  1. When we can see shape-shifting reptilians with our own eyes–game changer. David Icke vindicated.
    That said–perhaps the metaverse was the reppies way of controlling the world without having to worry about us knowing who they are. How brilliant: we all become cute cartoon avatars and the Draco hybrids are forever masked and able to control the planet’s resources(us) and suck and harvest our energy for the next 1,000 years!

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