Restructuring DNA


This is beautiful, powerful and helpful.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


March 3, 2018

The Energy Therapists

Enlightened Being, Energy Being:

The shift is imminent.

You may feel changes in your physical body.

You may feel foggy in your mind.

You may feel like you are not yourself or that your human body is different or changing.

You are right. We are in the process of changing, shifting and altering your DNA.

You will start to see visions.

You will start to experience vivid dreams.

You will start to receive information in different ways than you have before.

We are here to help you. We are here to guide you.
We are here to assist you. We are here to connect you to what you have been before.

It’s there.

It’s here.

We are going to bridge the gap for you so that you can level up and make the shift.

Be aware of the information you receive in your dreams.

Be aware of when you get information.

There may be times when you receive downloads at certain times of the day or when you are doing something. You may start to receive downloads as you get in the shower every morning. You may start to receive downloads when you first lay down at night. You may receive downloads in your dreams.

Pay attention.

There will be information encoded into your dreams, into messages numbers and into repeating patterns you see.

These encoded messages will help you navigate this new journey.

These encoded messages are helping to restructure your DNA.

These encoded messages contain information that will help you become a beacon for other light beings.

You may want to journal. You may want to record, and you may want to start to discuss your messages with others.

We are here to help, and we are here to take you to the place you were before so that you can release rejuvenate, and revive the celestial cosmos.

Be Present Energy Being, Be Present Enlightened One.

Guidance to Help the Process of DNA Restructure

Get into a comfortable position whether it is sitting, laying down or standing up. You may want to be close to a chair in case you need to suddenly sit down.

Imagine a spiral of energy just outside of your body, swirling in a gentle counterclockwise direction.

Pay attention to the colors, images, light patterns and sparks that are both contained and given off while the energy is swirling.

Allow the spiral to collect and remove all the information, feelings and emotions that do not resonate with your higher self.

As the spiral removes all of the things that do not resonate, gently allow the spiral slowly to enter your body in clockwise position. This will integrate the light particles, the love and the essence into your physical, spiritual and emotional being that will elevate you, rejuvenate and revive you.

As you begin to feel the energetic shift in your body. Surrender to the restructuring and altering process of your DNA as it occurs.

Breath slowly and deeply during this process until a calmness has washed over your body. This is when the process is complete.

This process is helping you to prepare for Ma’at Ra – Heart Healing Therapy which will be released in the near future.

Sourced from here.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.