RIcky Gervais opening speech at that hollywood event


and yes i really don’t know what event it was nor do i care.  i hesitated even sharing this but he touched on so many truths about these trash douche bag sellouts i decided to….now let’s see their profession fade away – those involved in trafficking held accountable – their assets used to really help those in need instead of buying another mansion or…or another child….or paying a billion dollars to some pond scum lawyer to protect themselves….(not that i feel disgust towards them or anything…that would be spiritually incorrect of me wouldn’t it….like gervais’ says – this is the last year – i really don’t care what i say or how i sound.  ditto.  lol)

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.