Saving Israel for Last ~ 10.7.23



It’s such a sheot show………………T is saying he stands with Israel.  WHo knows what to believe.  Psyop continues.  Discernment.


Israel says civilians and soldiers held hostage in Gaza after major Palestinian attack – live (





WHAT……… real……..




Like her thinking:


And the 17 post (just one):


Mar 10, 2018 1:04:36 PM EST
Mar 10, 2018 1:02:22 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 436341 No. 613193 

Mar 10, 2018 12:58:27 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No. 613129 



>>613129 What about Awan. Is Israel involved?
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “Saving Israel for Last ~ 10.7.23”

  1. The Israel detail has been tugging at my sense of a deeper understanding of historical legacies for many years. I believe we’ll find most of the (Israel)clues we need to understand by exploring Sumerian mythologies, and Babylonian history. The other fact regarding the mysteries of our past that haunts me has to do with how libraries and historical knowledge is periodically destroyed, and then we may presume that the ancient scrolls are stored safely somewhere like the Vatican’s underground library. All of us curious monkeys would have to master linguistics at such a genius level in order to decipher cuneiform or Egyptian hieroglyphics, etc. in order to beat THEIR systems that promote ignorance by design. Then there are the artifacts in South America (or Antarctica for that matter) to consider. In short form, the Sitchin translations of Sumerian tablets suggest that we homo saps were a DNA experiment and were purposefully bred to operate as slaves for the ruling masters. Some suggest the Annunaki were the overlords who came from Sirius A or B…and this makes as much sense as any other hypothesis. The conundrum that’s been nagging me has to do with Matrix perception and maintenance factors, and the notion that AI ain’t anything new–and it is conceivable that a gargantuan computer beneath the ice or on the other side of an ice wall, or in the hollow Earth is running the show above ground where we humans live out the life dramas. That’s the very basic external scenario that’s been on my radar for the last 15-20 years. footnote: The management tools include the Media, drugs, food, Religions, and political(eco-finance) modes of control-oppression-suppression-indoctrination schedules. Club members enjoy the perks, while wee hobbit folks labor and toil as servants to the Club’s monetary schemes. Israel is Real…and it’s a historical nodal energy point on Gaia in my estimation. May We All reclaim our sovereign sacred souls.

    1. it is conceivable that a gargantuan computer beneath the ice or on the other side of an ice wall, or in the hollow Earth is running the show above ground where we humans live out the life dramas.

      I think you are spot. on. i hadn’t thought of it this way – but reading it – yes.

      1. Victoria-Always my pleasure to dialog and share these sorts of topics with other informed open-minded human beings! I enjoy your posts much… Thank you.

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