Saw this yesterday…..We’re Living in a Simulation


I would say – the fact that this is pretty much mainstream – says – to me – that we Neo’s are waking up collectively and are becoming aware of our environment.  Question is – once we return to REAL space – is it indeed REAL?  As in organic – without any AI influence – free to “play with” – expand – in so long as the experience REMAINS ORGANIC.  Or is it just another simulation?  That’s not what I choose.  I don’t need some computer simulation of that chocolate cookie I want to create and eat or that beautiful purple tulip I intend to plant in my real soil.  And doesn’t science tell us thath for each action (creation) there is an equal and opposite reaction – which says to me for every possible AI/Simulation reality, there’s an ORGANIC reality w/o the AI/simulation/computer influence (control/cr@p).  Certainly there IS that possibility…….

The only people who absolutely disagree are, well, scientists. They need to get over themselves and join the fun.
In other words, yes, and with sincere apologies to Tonelli and most of his fellow physicists, who hate it when anybody suggests this: The only explanation for life, the universe, and everything that makes any sense, in light of quantum mechanics, in light of observation, in light of light and something faster than light, is that we’re living inside a supercomputer. Is that we’re living, all of us, and always, in a simulation.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Saw this yesterday…..We’re Living in a Simulation”

  1. My take on it is this: We entered or were tricked into entering an elaborate computer game, and have been stuck in it ever since. After we entered as whole beings, we started to fractalize ourselves, moving away from our original frequencies, meaning each fractal self became more unaware of it’s origins.
    Source/God/The original Creator has been trying to get us out of the game, ever since. Probably, for Source it’s only been a short while since we left, but for us it’s been perceptually a loooonnnggg time.
    I feel that others who did not enter the game at the time this happened, have figured out how to enter without getting caught up in it, and are working to get us out by manipulating or undoing the story, so we wake up. The the part of us that didn’t get fractilized also plays a role in this. The whole game and its AI needs to be collapsed! Anyway, that’s how I perceive the “Universe”.

  2. I just saw that article come up last week I think?? Idk I lose all track of time, especially since I read it at work. I meant to save it, but forgot, that happens to me a lot lately. Keep thinking it’s old age, but I think it may be something else?? Regardless it’s time to shut this damn simulation down. I’m done playing this F*ing game!!! 🙂 Caroline, that’s a very good interpretation of what I think has happened as well but you articulated it very well.

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