Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ Buckle UP, Force Infinity


editor victoria’s comment ~ feeling the same…..feeling things are now lined up for something big….not just CME’s and speaking of those i read a brief piece by Adam Foreman who seems to work with Yellow Rose for Texas (they know one another and tag one another on social media)….he says what we see coming from the sun are explosions –  not CME’s as NASA calls them….i found that interesting….



We looked ahead as far as we could see and there is *huge* energy coming this week… we got chills on our chills… which of course is hintimated by all the CMEs incoming, but MORE energy is gonna somehow ride in on that energy, or something. Even “regular” people (normies) are gonna feel it… and start CHANGING, from the inside. The light’s either gonna go full ON inside them, or full OFF (and then they’ll go nuts — AVOID, watch for foam).

There are also two unusual late-spring storms due to hit the SF Bay Area, right in time with the CMEs. Interesting.

Also… we didn’t know exactly when to say this, but might as well too now. After this upcoming full moon, we see a big FLASH and a boom. This could involve the sun. It could involve something else (nothing bad, though). We can’t see anything else past that. Could be The SHIFT. Could be the big energy WHOMP. Could be Godzilla with our light latte. Note: We DO see us still being worked on by our ET and Spirit friends (and the sun and Gaia) after all this, on DNA/energy upgrades, etc., so… we’re not going to vanish. Either way: Buckle Up, Force Infinity. We need a nap.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ Buckle UP, Force Infinity”

  1. I believe it, I’ve never felt the energy quite like it’s been the last several days. Wowza.

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