Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ “R” is for…


editor’s note:  i have been telling my mate for months~ been feeeeeling for months that so much of what we are seeing w/the Great Awakening is just going to come to a close.  the end won’t matter.  the arrests.  none of it.  it’s just going to end.  why?  the event final energy hits during the chaos and just ends the whole game.  or else it (the ending) just won’t matter.  and my feel is we are already in the middle of this revolution.  it isn’t something we are still waiting to happen. we’re in it.

as i type this up……i just had a visual too.  a grand stage where all was dark, chaos, fighting, confusion with some light being shown when suddenly all of the lights on the stage come on and people stop what they are doing ~ ANYTHING being done from anger and fear, power over, etc. just ends for it is no longer an energy supported.  while old programming may still attempt to run (people wanting to harm) their ability to do so will be impossible.  and we all, well, go home ~ just as we do after a movie has ended.  

so i align w/this one and need to hold the words as my own truth.  HOLD YOUR LIGHT.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


“R” is for…

Ok, since we’ve already had too many posts this week, here’s one more. We’ll put this here and trust that those who need to find it will. It’s a serious one.

We’ve been concerned, of late, with the current… well, MESS… that everything’s in, even more so than usual. Please don’t panic, but we sense an actual revolution is brewing, esp. after the latest Alex Jones censorship thing. Note that Alex Jones works as *controlled* opposition, but the recent censorship feels like he went too far (shared a little too much truth) so the PTW shut him down. It’s increasingly alarming how the PTW are censoring conservatives yet the alt-left can do and say what they want. This has become a cause for concern, as a revolution could be coming sooner rather than later. People have grown sick of the MSM lies and the unapologetic control of social media (it’s like they don’t care what happens), not to mention lying and sidestepping the huge mountain of past PTW  transgressions. We know it’s all an illusion, but we still have to negotiate it.

Stream: Hi, Rock! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi!
Rock: Is someone talking?

So, what should we do in the meantime? Be the rock in the flow. Get your Zen on.

People should meditate and send out love and healing light. Another important thing is to focus on your own inner peace and letting go of negativity. When the time comes you don’t want to be weighed down with low vibes. Don’t actively try to stop the revolution, just let the stream flow around you. Many times good things happen from a major change, so… revolution may be necessary for the 3d world to move on. Allow things to happen as they must, and focus on yourself and those around you. But note that things might get bumpier than they were. And you might get your paws wet.

Paws wet! No like wet paws. WET! PAWS!

We bring this up as we saw The Event happening *in the midst of revolution* (though the revolution we saw was mild as revolutions go). Anyway, watch your step. Peace will return, along with SOURCE; peace is SOURCE’s natural state. Fall is coming, and it’s going to be a good one.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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