Schumann and a brief synchronicity (?)


a rather challenging day…….i find a way and make it through……..i often give myself a little brief pep-talk by saying “that’s what we do, girl”……find a way even when the path feels like it’s full of shards of glass being thrown…..

i did have an interesting experience.  a synchronicity perhaps.  i was having a texting conversation with brother rick whereby he was telling me what Clair was passing on to him…..she said they are working on a way to say “you are free” and here is your value back……he sent me this message just as i sent this one to him:  “we need the financial relief.  like today!” (this was in response to him referencing the message he had heard from her about “it has ended” – and i received the same message on the same day (with mine i heard “all changes tomorrow”).  she says these messages were in reference to Trump’s visit to the UK and how as we have read/heard he restored our Republic – taking back ownership/enslavement from GB.

i will say this – the experience of longing for my freedom and most especially the freedom from the whole pay to live system (or babylonian debt system as some call it) only deepens……..

so………..mood is a bit low but i remain, as always, hopeful……..and driven to manifest the Life i desire….want….AND need……..i may not believe in much any more but i do believe in myself………who i am………and what i do.  and i thank all of you who support this site and me for helping make this all possible.

here’s the current schumann spike……i am not able to share the plasma, protons, etc. as the data was cut off hours ago for most of the reads.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.