Schumann and Brief “feeling” share


The above image is exactly how I have felt off and on since I was a child and it is particularly intense today.  Feeling into it – weeping – longing.  Mate having the same experience today.  Very intense.  Absolutely NO desire for what’s going on politically today.  Zero.  Zip.  Nada.  The game – the show – the drama – is nothing close to Who I Am.  None aligning with me energetically today.  Perhaps the image below has a little something to do with it.  Note the vertical line continues – now along with the ongoing bubble only this bubble isn’t feeling like the usual “bubble of bliss”.  Feels more like this one is creating a filtering affect (removing what isn’t needed) as well as a “WAKE UP” jolt for those still sleeping inside.  And exposing ALL continues.  Ugh for the rest of us!

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Schumann and Brief “feeling” share”

  1. Hello Victoria1111!
    Came across your site through Higher Density Blog last night and so resonated with you and what you have shared–loved the quick synopsis of our ‘state of affairs and control’ being liberated with DT’s trip to visit the queen…also, what you posted today of being thrown about by the energies and not ever having felt like you belonged here. Me too. So much I do love of this earth experience, but since coming awake, it has been a strange and difficult last year. One day amazing, the next feeling plowed under. Just wanted to reach out and say how much I appreciate you sharing your experience. Thank you.

    1. thank you lisa and welcome! that term i often hear in my mind is “bipolar” in terms of the ups and downs – to extremes. perhaps this is in part due to having one foot here and another at Home. and the awakening itself! much love to you. 🙂

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